Changes to all golden age item mod scrolls

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Changes to all golden age item mod scrolls

Postby Ben » Sun Oct 29, 2006 9:00 pm

All scrolls that are used to modify items, such as to add attack or light to a weapon or AC to a particular piece of armor, which you get via the Golden Age Machine quest, now have a 10-20% chance that instead of modifying the item in question, it will make the item useless... so Golden Age mods are now a bit of a gamble. =) Should increase the fun and keep people from getting super uber ridiculous weapons, because sooner or later you WILL get a scroll that will reset all stats to zero, "breaking" the item. The more times you have modified an item, the higher the chance that the next scroll you use will destroy the weapon/armor... eventually topping off at around 90% chance of failure. This is retroactive, so if you already have a heavily modified item, your % chance may already be very very high.
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