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Postby Ben » Mon Sep 13, 2004 11:50 pm


Rogues luv new toys.
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Postby Ben » Tue Sep 14, 2004 12:27 am

In case you don't understand that lovely piece of art, Kilican Island is now open. The entirety of the land there is open and done, as well as the dungeon. There will be some minor additions as we go, such as maybe 1 or 2 quests and some more NPCs and items. The hunting on Kilican supports levels 19-45, although there are, of course, gaps missing there. (ie there is a spot for 19s and 20s, and a spot for 36s, but nothing in-between, etc etc). This was done to fill up a few spots where people didn't have much to hunt at certain levels, and then, of course, to give people level 42+ something to kill. There are also a lot of new items, especially for rogues.

The only way to Kilican is via ferry. There is, however, a portal on Kilican back to Valorn, so feel free to tie on the new isle and hang with the pirates in their Inn. Bobo would appreciate the company.
Grimoire Entertainment Inc.
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