
This board will be posted to by Admin when changes are made to the World or to the Code. It is important to check this board at least once every few days to make sure you do not miss a new feature!
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Lead Worldbuilder
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Joined: Sun Jun 15, 2003 5:50 pm
Location: Nebraska


Postby Ben » Sun Apr 04, 2004 6:06 am

If you enjoy this game, and play it often, you should consider subscribing to premium. The money we receive through our subscriptions is the money we use to support the game and to keep it going. Without subscriptions, we would not be able to advertise at all, meaning there would be less and less players.... not to mention we could not afford our server and incredibly large bandwidth allotment. This game really exists because of the contributions of those few people who choose to support us.

Five dollars a month is not really much at all. If you log on only 3 hours a day, 4 days a week, that is still 48 hours in a month.... thats a mere 10 and 1/2 cents per hour of playing.

10 cents an hour to have fun and hang out in a cool world with cool people, AND to get all kinds of great extra features. .... and I know a LOT of players who play a LOT more than 4 days a week. How many other fun things do you do that only cost you 10 cents an hour?

Premium subscribers get:
1) a character description so people know your backstory
2) an avatar/character picture that shows up on screen and in chat
3) new functions for many premium items, such as teleporting and lockpicking, that save you lots of money
4) NO ADS... which significantly speeds up the game and makes levelling and travelling much faster
5) an extra character slot
6) an extra life each hour
7) a title: "The Noble"

Its a lot of cool stuff.... and we will be working on more premium features next.

We really need your help. If we do not have premium subscribers, we will not be able to continue to offer the same experience to players that we do now. If you enjoy the game, please subscribe and start enjoying the benefits today!
Grimoire Entertainment Inc.
Click HERE to contact Ben or another Admin. Actually, don't contact Ben, he's somewhat pretty much retired.

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