Changes to Ownership of DG

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Miranda of Admin
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Joined: Sun Jan 21, 2007 8:11 am

Changes to Ownership of DG

Postby Miranda of Admin » Mon Jul 28, 2014 7:08 pm

Dark Grimoire is now well over a decade old, and I am immensely proud to have been part of that as both a player and an Admin for a good number of those years.

We know from all the positive feedback we have received recently that you have noticed the changes in game over the past six months and I'd like to give you some background to these changes now.

In January 2014, full ownership of the game was passed on to me. I can honestly say that this was one of the proudest achievements in my life and a responsibility that I took extremely seriously. It has given me the chance to look closely at what I want the game to be. The first step was to strengthen the Admin team with the addition of Kane. The Unofficial and Mostly Invisible Admin of Supercoding became involved at that point, and generously gave a huge amount of his time to move the game over to better servers and fix any ensuing problems.

With new servers in place, Kane, Zeric and I have spent the last few months trying to create a game environment in which suggestions are being listened to and implemented, feedback is warmly welcomed, storylines are more immersive and – very importantly – Admin interaction in-game is frequent and responsive. Much of what now happens in game is in direct response to the cues that our players give us. And now, I am really pleased and excited to be able to tell you that I have, alongside Kane, formed a partnership with a group that brings a wide range of talent to the table towards improving the game. You have seen some of the results already, and there will be many more forthcoming. I now would like to take this opportunity to thank all of the community for making Dark Grimoire such a very special game; leading it is truly an honor and a privilege.

The aforementioned UaMIAoSuperCoding, who is part of the partnership, will be along soon to say hello and tell you about our next steps.

- Miranda -

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