Changes made today

This board will be posted to by Admin when changes are made to the World or to the Code. It is important to check this board at least once every few days to make sure you do not miss a new feature!
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Miranda of Admin
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Joined: Sun Jan 21, 2007 8:11 am

Changes made today

Postby Miranda of Admin » Tue Jun 03, 2014 10:00 pm

The following changes have just been implemented in game:

1) When you retreat, you no longer run away screaming. I do not feel this is dignified enough, so there is a slightly different retreat emote in both the area you are leaving, and the area in which you arrive.

2) There is now a fast equip button next to items in your inventory. No more having to click on the item, then on 'equip!' Please be aware, however, that the button appears next to allitems at the moment. If an item is not something that can be equipped, you will get the standard error message. This is something that we are looking into.

3) New characters now enter the game with 20 health potions and 0 power potions, instead of 5 of each.

4) There are a couple more scenery icons in, and more NPCs will be getting faces.

5) Items with negative light now show that through text (just as ones with positive light do.)

6) As part of ongoing improvements to the banking system, items in your bank are now ordered alphabetically. Also, in the section for 'items in your inventory,' all items that are unequipped are shown first, followed by items that are equipped. This should make it easier to navigate.

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