I'm Grumpy =)

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I'm Grumpy =)

Postby Ben » Wed Nov 26, 2003 5:49 am

As many of you know, this is the week before finals for my very first semester of law school. As such, I am very very very bipolar.

I made a pact with some of my friends at school that we would all forgive each other for our snippiness this month come next semester. I hope all of you do the same for me. SO... for the next month or so, please try to get the MEANING out of anything I say, and try to forgive me if I go crazy on ya. What I say still has merit, and I'm still going to do my best to help run this game, but if I suddenly snap, please don't take it personally. I just am having.......... one of those months. ;)

Thanks to everybody who makes this game great... I love ya.
Grimoire Entertainment Inc.
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