Guild Leadership...

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Guild Leadership...

Postby Xanthias » Thu Apr 28, 2005 8:32 pm

Just to test an idea...

I resigned my status as Guild Leader, but in the process I had an idea, so I asked Danica to help me out.

It turns out that she was guildless, and as such shouldn't have been able to receive the status of Guild Leader. However, the forms were signed and the text confirmed that Danica is indeed now leader of the Virtue of Valorn.

She wasn't part of the guild at the time of the signing, and still when she clicks her inventory she isn't part of the guild now, even though she is its leader.

Just thought I'd point that at, since you shouldn't be able to appoint leadership to somebody who isn't in your guild...though you could...if you really wanted to I suppose.

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