The Legend of Alinda: A Tale of Incredible ______

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The Legend of Alinda: A Tale of Incredible ______

Postby Xia » Thu Oct 05, 2006 6:24 pm

Korba, for his great humor as displayed in his comic, won himself a ring. This ring harkens back to a certain Valornian legend.

The contest, should you choose to take part, is to write out this legend as described on the ring. It can be in epic poem form, ballad form, prose, a play, haiku style. Whatever you like. It should address the exact legend described on the ring. It shouldn't be too long so that I get impatient and stop reading, but I'll allow you to use your discretion because sometimes certain stories need a certain amount of space to be told. Just know that if I stop reading because it's too long, you probably won't place first in the contest. Establish your place in the construction of Valornian folklore! Oo!

A very nice prize shall be awarded.

Rules are basically 1 entry per adventurer. Put in your C #. It must be IC. Post entries here. This contest will end at 6 PM PST, October 12th.

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Postby Korrith » Thu Oct 05, 2006 7:47 pm

"Yes daddy. I'll be careful".

Alinda was always careful. But she did love to explore. She loved to watch sunsets as she skipped about, forming new acts and jokes for her much loved, albeit not-too-famous-yet comedy routine.

Her father, the mayor at the time, did not approve. He himself became the subject of some of her more... Satirical jokes ("Have you heard the one about the Mayor's workforce?... He makes them work dead hard down in those basements").

As the stars came out on another beautiful if peril-filled night, Alinda started to trot on home. She knew to walk around the forest. She knew to listen for the Crier's call should demons start to attack the local area. As she looked skyward and pondered how to end the joke "What do people sing on the Town Crier's birthday?*", she didn't realise that the way down to Dundee Sewer was directly in her path. And in a few moments, the inevitability of her fall came to bear fruit, as she tumbled in, yelped like Scooter on bath day, and ended up in a crumpled heap of bones and... Something else.

She cried out. She could not move. It was dark both in the sewer, and on the surface, and not many were about. Those who were, were mostly new adventurers late for a wedding (Because the three on that day already had overrun a bit. Never invite a pirate) and did not stop to help, or even hear her screeching plea for aid.

A marc passed, maybe two, and a Mercenary Thug emerged from the shadows and observed her with a sinister grin.
"Well well well.. What have we got here.."
Alinda grimaced and blurted out "I think I landed on your dinner, you meanie!"
"What the! Grrr. I'll show you." the Mercenary heatedly replied as he drew his blade.
"Wait!" exclaimed Alinda, suddenly realising the seriousness of the situation.
"What... So you can trick me and escape using wit and laughter? What do you think this is? Some sort of godly story contest!? Not a chance... Any last words?"
Alinda paused, then calmly stated "I request that you feed my dead body to these rats."

He knew he shouldn't but he couldn't help but ask.
"Two reasons. One, YOU'RE so fat that people started hiring you as a matress safety landing pad for their cannon ride. I don't want you eating me."
The Mercenary thug turned to the side in rage and said
"I work out. I look good. Look at me from the side, you honestly think that's fat?"
Alinda giggled extremely loudly. The Mercenary Thug, more furious than he could ever remember screamed
To which Alinda replied:
"You didn't let me finish. Secondly, I was going to say.... Because those rats look darn hungry."
The Merc Thug span on his heels and was tackled by a group of about 5 rats. As he ran away trying to get them off, one of the town guards dropped down into the area, and helped Alinda up and out to where her father was waiting. They had been searching for her and heard her loud giggling.

To this day, if you hang around the right inn's, you may just catch a glimpse of a hooded woman and hear her say "So I said, that's not a Korunga, thats my boyfriend!" before she dissapears...

The end.

(*"For he's a jolly good Bellow")

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Postby Korba » Thu Oct 05, 2006 8:45 pm

The Legend of Alinda

Golden Alinda
A beauty from distant past
Her wit legendary

Beloved among her people
Hair aurulent as the age

Their joy was noticed
The laughter she spread was pain
To the demon lord

The raid was swift and cruel
The cities heart was taken

Within the dead zone
Dragged before his unholy throne
Light in that dark hole

Her esprit pierced even him
Hope where none had been before

Watching from up high
Her levity in peril
Pleased the mighty gods

While Balthazar was laughing
Alinda was snatched from harm

Restored to her city
While all the people rejoiced
The legend was born


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Postby Xanthias » Fri Oct 06, 2006 12:32 am

The Golden Tressed Alinda and the Ring of Gold.

Fabled Daughter and Beloved Sister,
Alinda the Adroit.
Known for humour and wit that could blister.

For in trouble she,
with but a few words,
would out of trouble be.

Rarely known to ever
be caught off her guard
she was indeed quite clever.

Of one time I am concluded,
when save herself did she
from situations most convoluted.

For upon a beast she did come
eating of an evening meal
she asked of it, for some

Looking up, did the beast
a grisly smile she beheld
as it held firm its feast.

"Of my meal, you wish to partake?"
Asked the gruesome thing
"Then with you, a deal I shall make."

"Put forth your deal."
Spake Golden Alinda
"So that I may have a meal."

"Find for me a ring of gold.
Shining bright as the sun.
Do this, before your meal grows cold."

She turned with but a nod,
as the beast leaned back,
for a brief nap upon the sod.

The beast, it did dream
of the failings of men
and of hearing the girl scream.

It was awakened most shortly,
by the girls toe in its side.
"I have the ring, oh beast most portly."

She handed forth a golden thing,
which the beast took with shagreen.
For in its paws, a shining ring.

"Yes, t'is Golden that I am sure."
The beast stated coldly.
"Take your meal, woman most pure."

With grin and mirth indeed was it taken.
as she made off with the meat,
not in the least was the girl shaken.

For using a trick of old,
Alinda had earned her meal.
But 'twas not with a ring of gold.

In the distance did she hear a wail,
as discovered treachery was.
She moved quickly, not leaving a trail.

For you see, what the beast held,
was but a ring of stone,
with her own hair in the meld.

Yes, for wrapped around ring of stone,
in most intricate manner,
were golden tresses that were her own.

Xanthias: 5693
Last edited by Xanthias on Mon Oct 09, 2006 7:54 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Postby Corwin Skyborn » Fri Oct 06, 2006 3:19 am

You may have heard several different tellings of the Deeds of Alinda, but this is how it really happened.

Alinda was a bold young adventurer when she happened to chanche upon a raiding band of Balthazars minions whom had just attacked a roadside church and burned it to the ground killing everyone. They then set to work excavating the ruins of an ancient church which was located near the burned roadside shrine.

As Balthazars minions rapidly completed their task, a stealthy form crept from the shadowy forest and slowly approached the excavation site. Anyone gifted with the ability to hear the emotions of others would have been drowned in sorrow and hate and the lust for revenge. Unfortunately Balthazar was one such person and as he drank in the pain a rage, he fell in love. And leapt forth from a portal to appear at the site.

Balthazars minions easily captured Alinda and placed her in a magically created cage of metal which was then placed upon a pile of excavated dirt so that Balthazar could converse with and examine his newest potential bride. A tirade of curses and threats issued forth from Alinda until she was excausted and collapsed to the floor of the cage. Balthazar silently and menacingly stared.

It was at this moment that Alinda grasped at a handful of dirt to fling at Balthazars face and chanced to discover a moldy silk bag of ancient origins which had obviously been unearthed by the dark minions. The silk fell apart at the slightest touch Alinda found herself gripping a Silver and Pearl ring which radiated holy power. Balthazar saw the ring and for the first time in decades he was affraid.

Alinda acted on instinct and placed the ring onto her finger and heard a distant whisper of "close your eyes" Alinda followed the suggestion and felt repeated blasts of searing yet icy power flaying out from the ring to lay waste to the minions and destroying the remaining church ruins. Alinda woke to find her memory was somehow confusing. And so Alinda continued along her path of adventuring without ever really knowing where the ring she wore had come from.

Actually I shouldn't even be telling this story because Alinda doesn't even know it happened!

You may wonder what it was thats written inside the ring she bore for the rest of her days...... in which case that makes 2 of us!
Last edited by Corwin Skyborn on Fri Oct 06, 2006 5:43 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby sarducci2 » Fri Oct 06, 2006 4:51 pm

A tale of Incredible Impromptu Creativity
There was a time long ago, when uncertainty prevailed throughout the lands, more so than that of current times. A time when the evil minions of Balthazar had organized a tremendous attack, starting in the area of the old dark bent tree on the road from Dundee to Milltown. Balthazar using his spy network and scouts determined that they would strike at a particular time when many complacent travellers were carrying on their trade.
The 'strike' came at 24 marcs.
Legend has it that the evil forces were stopped dead in their tracks at the famous bent tree with a force meeker and fewer than the insurgents. What occurred?
Initially the army of the light was stymied by the verocity of Balthazar's evil guild of darkness. The warriors in the front line broke and retreated. The few clerics decided to pray instead of fighting with the sword. The enchanters portalled to immediate safety. The rogues stood their ground at the dark tree losing half their defenders.
Alinda, a low level cleric, although unable to attack the strong enemy decided to assist not only to heal the army of light, but to provide a place to rally. With a quick idea she placed her thoughts to motion. Alinda took the standard from a retreating fighter and herself stood fast rallying her army. She saw that the army had lost self esteem and were questioning their abilities to hold the evil ones off. As the troops gathered around Alinda, she did not cry for all to protect the lands at all cost, instead she humored the troops with a few words of wit. Many laughed then cheered. She then carried the standard to the front lines as she observed a new resurgence in the army of light's disposition. Many marcs later the evil ones retreated, unfortunately Alinda perished, or she vanished no one knows for sure. The only remains was the torn and battered standard stuck in the ground with a precious ring placed on the emblem topping the flag and a hastily written note lying under a small rock. The note said these few words, thought to have been written by Alinda's hand. "They who wear this ring of light, speak the words of wit at night. Those that follow these words of wit will follow those that do not quit."
Sarducci 49517

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Postby Richard DeVille » Fri Oct 06, 2006 7:58 pm

**Takes up a borrowed zither, strums a few notes to get a feel of the instrument, then begins a merry tune. Singing softly in a clear voice, he taps a foot lightly to keep the beat**

Gather ye 'round and I'll tell ye a tale, a tale of fair Alinda. The Joyfull she was called, with her locks of gold, and a laugh that lit up the skies.
Oh she grew up a lass, a wee little lass, down in fair Dundee of old. A trickster she was, her intents pure and golden, and laughter followed wherever she went.
As the marcs went by, and the seasons went, our lass grew older, and the boy's of ol'Dundee sighed at her sight, with her hair like spun gold, and her laugh that lit up the skies.
Oh yes our fair Alinda, was the joy of ol'Dundee, but not all was well, not all was fine. The Festival of Fall dawned near, yet the Demons learned, of our lass with her heart of gold.
Balthazar in his fortress far away, cried out in rage as he heard the news 'Joy you say, merriment, I shall not have it! Destroy this girl, crush their hope, let them have not but despair!'
And so it came, that an army of Demons, marched across the lands, advancing down towards Dundee. The Crier called, the news went out, and arms where taken up.
Our lass soon learned, it was for her Balthazar's armies marched. It was her they sought, and for her the people of ol'Dundee fought.
As dusk approached, and the Demons still charged, our lass could have nomore. For her they fought, but for her they died, northbound she ran, and the Demons soon tracked her down.
Light on her feet, she danced in the early eve, into the shadows, her laugh a delight. The Demons they sought, but see her they could not, as our lass was too fast, and her wits too sharp.
Into the depths of the old forest she led them all, following her in vain. At home she was along those darkened paths, and not a leaf she did disturb, only her laugh could they follow.
The echoes of her laugh, was all they heard, for the long marcs they sought. Yet our lass was smart, and would not be found, for she had a plan to trick them all.
In the dark of night, she led them astray, and fight the Demons did. But not with her; the Demons none too clever, and tricked by shadows, fought only among themselves.
As dawn came, she alone, was left to leave those woods. As Sunrifter rose high, and framed her golden hair, her joyous laugh did at last again resound.
The Demons gone, she danced on, ever Alinda the Joyfull..

**Plucks a few final cords, then puts the zither away again**

Richard DeVille C#7027

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Postby Aryana Moonsong » Sat Oct 07, 2006 12:40 am

*Takes out her harp, My Lady, as she leans back against the wall and begins to strum a soft, yet lively melody*

*bows her head and taking a quiet breathe, she begins to sing in a strong, clear voice*

Gather round and listen now
to this tale i tell to thee
of how this maiden saved the day
with only her wits and bravery

A warm summer night it was
when on the road she did spy
two demons in a heated debate
so closer she crept to find out why.

A simple ring she saw before her eyes
as it passed between the two
A wry grin did cross her face
for she knew just what to do.

Gather round and listen now
to this tale I tell to thee
of how this maiden saved the day
with only her wits and bravery.

Right up to them she did stroll
as her head began to shake
"Cursed ye both shall be I fear
unless this ring from you I take."

Fear in their eyes they dropped the ring
as away these two demons did run
The ring now safe on her own hand
she returned home by the rising sun.

Gather round and listen now
to this tale I tell to thee
of how this maiden saved the day
with only her wits and bravery.

And so this golden haired beauty
smiled as she went on her way
chuckling to herself as she knew
that she always had the last say.

Now many often ask this of me
What happened to those two who ran?
From tales i have heard far and wide
they are still running as fast as they can!

*the last words of the song fade away with the final notes from the harp as she smiles warmly and speaks softly*

And that, my friends, is the Ballad of Alinda the Golden.

Aryana Moonsong #62105

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Postby Fleur » Sat Oct 07, 2006 3:07 am

The Legend of Alinda
A tale of incredible mirth

She walked in light ‘neath Valorn skies,
Golden through demons’ black disguise.
Fabled, after once being chased
By Balthazar, with awful haste –
Yet swift escaped undue demise.

In the valley, where four hills rise,
They ran from demons, every size.
She saved her friends, with true wit graced –
She walked in light.

“What for us is mere exercise,
Will be for them more exorcise…â€
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Postby kitwritten » Sat Oct 07, 2006 7:29 am

The Legend of Alinda: A Tale of Incredible Valor
Alinda was a young woman; one would describe her as more handsome, then beautiful. A fisherman's daughter, her hands were rough from the work of cleaning fish and selling them at market. She was a kind hearted woman and even made the roughest of men relax and smile. She had even stopped a knife from accidently piercing her heart once.
The tavern brawl was over what most brawls are over, a woman. Alinda had slipped through the growing crowd and was between the two men when the blade was unsheathed. The mad who had his knife out now stabbed towards the man, coming inches away from Alinda's heart before he stopped. The man gazed in horror, but Alinda smiled stating,
"Well if your going to stab me because he has your woman I might as well kiss her, too!" she said laughing. The whole inn burst to tears of this humor and the once violent men now bought each other drinks. And that's just the way that Alinda had with people.
In the town she lived in, which is now the beaches south of the Southern Plains, people were quite poor, being a fishing community. There was an outcast, poorer than any of them. His name was Gyrard Brenner. A beggar at best, he had once tried to be an artist, only to fail horribly with his slightly enchanted works of art. Having spent all of his silvers on his art had taken away his shelter as well. He lived in the nearby caves that lined the beaches, and entered the town only once a week.
Gyrard was talked to and liked by only one soul; Alinda. She would give him a bundle of free fish under the counter, talking with him all the while about the goings on in the town, and telling jokes she had heard or made up. She would listen to him as well; about his ideas of new artworks and the travels he had done as a youth. Alinda would sneak other necessaries into the bundle, besides his protests.
Needless to say, Gyrard fell very much in love with her. He would draw sketches of her on the walls of the cave with ashes from his fire, and mold old metals into statuettes. He felt that she was the daughter he should have had. The joy that he got from just talking to her made him invigorated and quite jolly throughout the week.
But then Balthazar came. And the fight against him was long and tedious. Many young men of the village took up the call to aid in the fighting. Most of the people went along with their business of fishing and selling wares. And life was still fine with Gyrard. The morning the Black Wastelands were created, he had just got done visiting the town and was singing a Killican song that he had once heard, when a mighty storm arrived. It held the darkest of clouds and most terrible lightning, leading Gyrard to run fast back to his home in the cave.
Many of the fishermen were still out at sea, and Alinda heard many of the women crying for the safety of their husbands. She looked from her booth at the sea and saw a small boat thrashed into some reef not to far away. Her father was out there. She ran to her house nearby and grabbed a torch. She lit it in the fireplace, morning embers still glowing, with tears down her face. Before leaving she grabbed a torch holder and a bucket of oil.
Not too far from the town was a tall cliff that overlooked the sea. Alinda placed the torch in the holder and set it right on the edge of the cliff. She stood by the holder, watching, waiting for the small boats to see the sign and go towards the torch. For six days she did this. The storm never died down, never shifted its forte. If possible it increased. Alinda stayed by the torch, feeding oil and keeping the flame alive, staring out to the sea. No one came back. Not one.
On the seventh day, the sun came out. The birds chirped and the townsfolk all came out to see the first sign of sunlight in almost a week. Alinda searched the sea, only to see driftwood littering the beach. She sat down on the ground and began to weep. No sooner did she start, then she felt a vibration. The vibration turned into a tremor and that tremor turned into a harsh earthquake. She tried to stand up but could not. The tip of the cliff she was on seemed to have snapped off of solid land and crashed onto the beach and into the sea.
Gyrard was happy for the sun as he walked towards the town. He felt the vibrations too and immediately hugged the sand of the beach. For two hours the earthquake went on. And then stopped abruptly. Gyrard got up and wiped himself off, while running full speed towards the town. It was too late when he arrived. Rubble was everywhere, and the tide had risen so far that the town was slowly being washed away.
There was not much searching he could do for the girl he loved, but he looked where he was able. The sole person he found that was not dead was a woman who sold fruit in the stall next to Alinda’s.
“Have you seen her? Alinda! Have you seen her woman?!â€

Rufio, Rufio! Rufi-ooooooooooo!
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Postby ansalan » Sat Oct 07, 2006 1:56 pm

“A page taken from the diary of a princessâ€

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Postby Fleur » Sat Oct 07, 2006 4:50 pm

please note, this is not an official entry

I have been persuaded to add my first attempt to this thread. And so, I present a piece written in all of 15 seconds...

Alinda Haiku

Golden Alinda
Told Balthy a joke and he
Forgot to kill her

~ Fleur :wink:

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Postby GreenDaemon » Sun Oct 08, 2006 7:30 pm

Alinda was a lovely young woman, adored by many for her long, golden tresses and bright blue eyes. She was loved by even more for her constant laughter and wit, and her grandest adventure involved much of these traits.

It began on a warm summer night as the sun began to sink from the sky. Alinda found herself still treading her way through the Dark Forest. She sighed softly to herself, knowing her mother would be angry when she reached home. The town of Dundee and its warm people had been hard to depart from this day, and time had slipped by quicker than her notice could manage to take in.

That was not all she failed to notice. Alinda walked straight into a wall of something soft and dark. So dark, in fact, that she felt as if she had suddenly gone blind with her face against it. Hastily, she stepped back to find the 'wall' was really a a very large crow, with its head cocked down to stare at her with beady eyes.

"A tasty dinner you would make, human," it surprised her by speaking, its voice raspy and deep. She perhaps surprised the crow more than it had her though, when she laughed at its words. It certainly made it angry.

"Why do you laugh, human?" It demanded, stomping one skinny foot on the ground and gnashing its beak.

"I am not afraid of death, crow. It is only the inevitable end to life, and at least my death would be a more interesting tale to spread than most -- a woman gulped down by an oversized crow! Interesting, indeed, and comical." She laughed again, shaking her head with amusement.

The crow tilted its head to the side, obviously confused. It flapped its massive wings slightly and shuffled its feet while thinking, until finally, it spoke again.

"You would laugh at death in the face, human? Your laughter has caught my interest, I must admit. It is easier to gulp down those that quiver in fear and pathetically whimper. Therefore, I will give you one chance to save your life."

The crow pulled out a small object with its beak, seemingly from the depths of its feathers. It tossed its head, sending the object into Alinda's waiting hands. She looked down to see a quite ugly, dull brown ring.

"If you can make this ring an object of beauty," the crow continued, "I will spare your life."

Alinda only smiled at the oversized bird and turned her back on it. She busied herself until the sun had nearly sunk out of the sky, while the crow impatiently stood behind her. Finally, she turned back, the ring hidden in her fist.

"Here, simple bird. I cannot say if it is a ring of beauty, but it will certainly catch your interest."

With these words, she tossed the ring past the crow, further into the woods. The last of the sunlight flashed across the ring, showing it to now glint bright with gold. The crow gave an undignified squawk and darted after the ring, unable to resist its new shine.

Alinda took the opportunity to slip away, her laughter echoing through the forest back to the crow as it managed to find the ring snagged on a tree branch. It indeed shined like the purest of gold -- but on closer inspection, proved to be Alinda's own golden hair wrapped thick around the dull ring.


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Postby Blythe » Thu Oct 12, 2006 12:21 am

Alinda the Golden: A Tale of Incredible Inspiration

It is a common mistake to think that Alinda the Golden was so called because of her golden colored hair. Many even believe that she was blessed with pure strands of gold in her honeyed tresses. But the truth is, that she was so called Golden because of the purity of her laughter was a true treasure in Valorn. In dark times it is often easy to forget the joys that make life worth living and easier still to forget that it is the pursuit of that joy that many have given their life. This, however, is not the case of Alinda. She is best known for how she used her wit and laughter to escape death.

Alinda, like any adventurer in Valorn, faced many dangerous situations that tested both her mental and physical aptitude. During one such trial, Alinda found herself woefully outmatched by an unusually oversized Ogre Matriarch. Alinda had only heard tales of the horrors that lurked in the Temple of the Ogres. She soon found herself in the grave position of very possibly becoming yet another one of those ghastly stories that ended with her being the fresh addition to the Ogres’ supper menu. Facing her last few moments of life, wounded with an Ogre Matriarch bearing down on her with a maliciously feral expression of deadly intent, Alinda decided that she would not face her death cowering as the final blow came. She lifted her chin and with what strength she had left, she looked the vicious Ogre square in the eye and laughed.

It was not a mocking laugh. It was not a hollow laugh. It was a laugh of pure joy, as Alinda chose to face her death holding tightly to all the wonderful memories her life had been filled with and if she were going to die in that moment she wanted to do so as she lived: with laughter in her heart, rather than fear.

This sound, this heart felt vibration of everything worth living for and worth dieing for had never been heard by the Ogre before. Never once had the Ogre Matriarch been ready to deliver the killing blow to one of her human victims and heard anything other than shrieks of anguish, fear and pain. The Ogre stopped dead in her tracks as if held at bay by an unseen force, unable to do anything but stare in wide eyed wonder at the small, golden haired creature that stood there making the strangest yet most wonderful noise.

Alinda was startled as the Ogre stood with a frozen expression on her face, still waiting for death knell that never came. She was not witless with surprise or incapacitated by the wound and seized this opportunity to escape.

Alinda continued to live her life as she had in those few moments, with laughter ringing from her heart and holding tightly to the joyous memories in her life and often inspired others to do the same with her story.
I'm sorry, I can't hear you over the sound of how awesome I am :D
Raffe Rychmin


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Postby Islander » Thu Oct 12, 2006 5:14 pm

The Legend of Alinda the Empathic: A Tale of Incredible Compassion

During the events that lead to the fall of the Golden Age, times were bleak and war was a daily event, from their homes they could hear the faint sounds of metal striking metal, screams and screeches of those that fell in battle be it humans or demons. Men and women of the various classes of warriors, clerics, rogues and enchanters banded together and fought alongside the Iron Knights, Council of Ryndall, and the Branishor High Clerics. These were dark times when many family lines ceased to exist, Life Monuments did not yet exist in this period in history.

Like others she had lost loved ones, in her case her beloved husband a fierce but not quite battle hardened warrior and her younger brothers who were nothing more then mere apprentice war clerics, she had a deep sadness in her heart but kept a brave face. She was a fair maiden with hair that glistened in the light like strands of gold, her name was Alinda. She spent her days roaming the village and outlying settlements for children that needed assistance, any she found alone or lost she would bring back to her home and look after them for however long it was needed until either the child was reunited with a relative or was taken in by another family. She kept a small shrine in her home as did many other families to the god Ben and Cory, she would tell the children that once the threshold to her home was passed, they were protected by the gods and would be safe as no demon could cross. This was most likely told to ease the children's fears as demons sometimes ventured into the towns though it was a rarity at this time in the war.

During happier days before the war started her husband would bring home many small trinkets which she kept in a wooden chest in their bedroom, her husband called it insurance should he ever fall in battle the small cache of treasures would keep her from ever going hungry. Inside the chest she had many items but one in particular was a large bag which held many silver and gold rings, these rings would be given to the children she brought home, with it she would entwine a strand of her golden hair around the ring and explained to the child a piece of her would always be with the ring and thus they would never be truly alone. She would then recite some ancient prayer in an old dialect as the child looked on mesmerized in complete awe as the ring glowed briefly and crackled as she took it out of the bag and handed it to the child. She wanted to give the children some hope and faith, if the ring helped bring it to them then so be it she thought.

Alinda once trained as a Temple Cleric in Branishor, but left to tend to her family once the wars started, that was many many years ago, another lifetime it seemed. The incantation she recited in front of the children and over the rings was nothing more then one of her favourite prayers from her days in the Branishor Temple, as for the glowing and crackling emanating from the rings, well she kept the rings in a magic bag of powder she found on her daily stroll in the outlying areas, the powder in the bag reacted to the metal from the rings if only for a brief moment but long enough to look quite impressive. The children grew to love Alinda, along with her stories she would tell on a nightly basis after supper, the laughter from the children brought great joy to her especially knowing what some of them went through.

The war drudged on for many years, she kept caring for the children that became displaced as she housed, fed and home schooled them. As the years gone by, she had become well loved and much respected in hers as well as the neighbouring villages but like all things she eventually died of old age. Little did she know, the god Cory once visited her in the guise of a lost child to see if what he kept hearing was indeed true and too experience it first hand. To this day many millennia later, children who become lost have reported they sometimes feel a comforting presence with them, as if protecting them until help arrives or glowing rings which drop on the ground but soon vanish which beckon the child to follow in the direction to safety. Some think it was the spirit of Alinda forever looking after the children she loved so much, perhaps a parting gift from the god Cory to the fair maiden for her undying dedication. ........ in time stories become myth, myth become legend, this was the legend of Alinda the Empathic.
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Postby Synvasti Shymere » Thu Oct 12, 2006 9:26 pm

Alinda the Golden

In ages past, a minstrel of note traveled to Caer Llaeldan at the invitation of the King. Legend paints her as a golden beauty with a generous smile, and a voice rich with song and laughter. Often times she'd blend the two and weave a bawdy song or lilting play of words that left her audience howling with laughter. Or at the least, tittering politely. She was well-received in most places, but early in her wanderings, she'd lost her welcome at Branishor due to an ill conceived verse about a flatulent cleric.

She'd learned a bit about tact and situational humor from that experience, and during her visit to the castle, she provoked no one to ill humor, and indeed, brought joy and a much needed lightness of spirit. For those days, like these, saw much of evil and war. At the end of her stay within Caer Llaeldan, demons attacked the walls, and effected a successful siege. Those within the castle numbered many warriors, a single enchanter, and a handful of unarmed civilians, including the Crier. The demon's dark sorcery dampened the magic within, and wreaked havoc on all the Golden Age devices. Thus, no magical transportation or messages were possible, and even the enchanter's best spells were greatly weakened.

Legend has it that the golden-haired minstrel offered her skills as a runner, avowing to the knowledge gleaned in her wanderings, and her swiftness of foot. The King gave to her a message for the clerics of Branishor, knowing that the intervention of the gods would be necessary, if anything of Caer Llaeldan was remain intact. The minstrel fled through a secret passageway, and escaped the environs of the castle undetected, and ran until her blood thundered and exhaustion dragged at her heels.

When she reached the ferry, the ferry-man wouldn't let her board, because she'd left every-one of her coins in the castle. And he didn't believe the King's seal upon the parchment, claiming to have fallen for 'that trick' as a lad. Desperately, she protested the treatment, on the grounds of her fame as a minstrel.

“But, I'm Alinda the Golden. And I'm rich, really. Straight from singing at the King's own table, BEFORE the demons attacked.

“Oh sure...â€
I long for the song of the morning, the dancing of shadows at dusk, and the silence that closes the night.

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Postby Sreip » Fri Oct 13, 2006 12:59 am

Many stories are told over ale mugs at the Dundee Inn. Tales of bravery. Tales of valor. Tales of love won and love lost.
This is not one of those tales.

Alinda was a delightful girl. She worked hard at plying her trade as a rogue and gatherer of hard to find wares. Her deals were always fair, and her fingers were always light. A common place to find her was at a table in the corner of the Dundee Inn, with her findings spread out before her on the table. Every day she brought something new onto the table, be it a gorgeous necklace or a well oiled blade. From time to time there were lesser items of quality, some overripe Korunga fruit or a red-hooded dress with a torn hem.

She was also a well sought after lass. Her fair prices were more a result from her good heart and ready smile than anything. Being stationed in the inn also gave her fair occasion to join the revelry that happened from time to time. Many a lad had taken a turn spinning her around the floor of the inn, her laughter filling the room with her golden hair streaming out behind her..

One day the crier’s called resounded through the air, giving notice of an impending attack. Alinda was at her usual spot, dickering the price of some ratty gauntlets with a puffed up warrior. Suddenly, the doors of the washrooms slammed open, and a horde of gremlins spilled into the room. They blinked fiercely in the firelight, dashing this way and that, scampering over the feet of the inn patrons. Such a thing had never happened in the inn before.

The crowd quickly recoiled in horror, spilling their ale and falling on top of one another to get out the one door to the light beyond. Alinda was pushed backwards, and nearly fell on the puffed up warrior cowering in the corner behind her. He let out a yelp and ran for the exit.

The inn’s ale mugs were tossed around creating grand explosions of glass. The harsh cackling of the gremlins overwhelmed the cries of the patrons now wedged in the exit door. Rough, clawed hands scrabbled over bits of burgers and turkey legs left on the tables. Those same hands yanked down pictures, stuffed bunnies, and other bric a brac hung on the walls for decorations. One by one they were hauled back to the washroom doors. The inn was nearly stripped bare. Except for Alinda’s table.

The feisty gremlins gathered greedily around her stand, mouths gnashing in their alien tongue. Alinda remained steadfast behind her table, one hand still gripping the unsold gauntlets, the other firmly around her poisoned dagger. Swift hands snatched at the bracelets, the salves, the ratskin hats, everything that was on her table. Each gremlin bounded back to the washroom doors, hooting and chirping over their prize. The table was laid bare.

One especially large, grizzled gremlin strutted up to her table and jabbed a talon at her hand. Alinda looked down at the hand it was pointing to. On it was a simple ring, golden in hue, rather common. She quirked her brows at the gremlin, and then looked on the squirming mass of people still trying to get out of the inn. Gremlins were tugging at their boots and snapping at hands. A feeling of despair began to wash over her when her glance fell upon the window to the outside. There, the streets were awash in the brilliant light of Cory, as it did every day. The sky was of azure, and the trees swayed in the wind of Ben’s might, as it did every day. And she knew then, that no matter what, it was a fine day indeed. A slow smile formed at the pace of her idea.

Quickly she stepped from behind her table and tugged her ring off. Her sudden movement startled the gremlins and they circled around her. She set the ring on the ground and flicked it spinning. The firelight somehow caught its sheen and sent refracting gleams of light around the room, flickering into the eyes of the gremlins. They flinched, and were then caught mesmerized by the spinning ring. Alinda looked behind her at the mass of people and was elated to see that some were starting to escape. She turned back to her spinning ring, and saw how it began to falter and slow. The halted gremlins were slowly regaining their movement. Alinda bit her lip, and then threw her arms out wide.

She began to spin, head laid back, skirts swirling. Faster and faster she spun, her golden hair whipping around her. The gremlins stopped again, enraptured by the spinning gold of her hair. The people on the floor continued to find their way out the door. Alinda thought of those blue skies and bright light, and an overwhelming feeling of happiness filled her chest, bubbling up and out of her mouth as golden laughter. Over and over her laughter rang, the sound of pure joy.

The gremlins started at the sound of her laughter and barked harshly in surprise. No longer a simple girl they saw, but something washing in warm light. They stepped back from her quickly, dropping the items from their hands as they ran back to the washrooms. Their hoots and howls slowly diminished as they fled back the way they came.

Alinda slowed her spinning, marveling how she was not even out of breath. She looked around the disarray of the room and saw the patrons, frozen in their attempts to leave and staring at her in open mouthed surprise. She smiled brightly, and leaned over to pick up her simple ring. There was a roughness to it, and she held it up to the daylight streaming through the window, seeing her face inscribed upon it. Her eyes widening in wonder, she tucked the ring safely away, giving thanks for having such a fine day.

Here is the Legend of Alinda: A Tale of Incredible Faith

Sreip Enudreklaw Char # 55234

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Postby Xia » Fri Oct 13, 2006 1:03 am

Closed. Thank you.

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Postby Xanthias » Fri Oct 13, 2006 1:17 am

Just wanted to say that I enjoyed reading everybody's entries. Nicely done!

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Postby Xia » Sat Oct 14, 2006 8:38 am

Thank you, everyone. I do declare Sreip to be the winner. It was very close and a tough decision (FOR REAL, I PROMISE). But I had to come to a conclusion sooner rather than later.

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