Warnings in your ingame message box

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Jane of Admin
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Warnings in your ingame message box

Postby Jane of Admin » Sun Dec 09, 2012 4:36 pm

Since we have received some email about it, I thought I would explain the warning system as you would see it in your character's messagebox. For a warning you will get 2 messages. The first begins with, “This is an Official Warning for …” and continues with whatever the warning might be. The second message explains why you were given it. It might be a cut and paste of your character’s words or actions along with an explanation, or or it may just consist of an brief explanation or "please don't do this again."

This counts as one warning. At times you may receive a warning several messages in length as the constable or administrator who gave the warning wants to explain it further. All warnings are in multiples of two. Warnings are given by both constables and admin, and both arrive in the same format.

If you receive a warning and wish to discuss it further or are uncertain why it was given please send an email to [email protected]. Posting on the forum or discussing it in game is not where it will be answered.

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