Survival Tips by Xanthias

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Survival Tips by Xanthias

Postby Xanthias » Sun Dec 24, 2006 6:12 pm

Please do not post in this thread. You may post in another thread if you have questions or suggestions for other Survival Tips.
Last edited by Xanthias on Sun Dec 24, 2006 6:54 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Postby Xanthias » Sun Dec 24, 2006 6:14 pm

A Need for Warmth

When I was a younger adventurer and Cleric, I had to think of innovative ways to maintain a top notch fighting conditions. many of them resurfaced for usage many a time.

One such condition was fighting in temperatures of extreme cold. Places such as the Snowy Plateau and the Ice Caverns.

It was while standing in the midst of a sandstorm in the Desert that I thought of how I would be able to ensure that I could keep a grip upon my weapons.

You see, when one's fingers go numb, it is often hard to hold onto a weapon as it impacts your enemy with bone-jarring force. As such, I had to find a way to keep my hands warm. Gauntlets were not working, as they most often held metal portions themselves and would seize up when they got to be to cold. I lost a good pair of gauntlets that way. They froze and then shattered when I parried a blow. The metal had become brittle I had spent so long there.

Now, on to preventing such measure.

As I have stated, I was standing amidst a sandstorm in the desert when I thought of something.

Rushing back to Milltown and obtaining another belt pouch I returned to the desert. There I scooped up some of the scorching sand and tied the bag closed. I then went up into the Ice Cavern to test my theory. I made my through the reflective halls of the caverns and fought several battles. Eventually I could feel my hands starting to ache from the cold and knew that I was starting to lose the precision in my strikes. Opening the pouch of sand I shoved my hands inside. It helped mildly, but the cold was too extreme, and the sand cooled too quickly.

I left the Ice Caverns, battling my way through and nearly dropping my hammer several times in the process. I then made my way to the Dundee in for a drink and some talk, and also to think out my plan. How could I fight in the extreme cold without losing the precision and striking power flexible fingers granted me?

It wasn't until I saw an adventurer covered in ash and soot that it occured to me. After the adventurer sold Jeffrey several glowing, heated rocks I decided I would try again. Buying one of the hot rocks from Jeffrey I emptied the sand out in the street. Making my way towards Milltown as I situated the glowing lava rock into the bottom of the pouch.

Back into the desert I went. I found a spot where the sand was hotter than most other areas and knelt, using my hands to scoop the sand in the pouch atop the stone. Cinching up the pouch, I tied it to belt and went back to the Ice Caverns.

After several more fights, when I could feel my fingertips starting to numb, I set my hammer down and pulled open the pouch. Just opening the bag allowed me to feel the warm rush of air! I placed my hands down into the warm sand and in no time at all my hands were toasty and warm once more! The stone had kept the sand hot, and would probably continue to do so for many marcs more yet!

So, remember, all of you who have needs of going into freezing climes, take one of these bags full of sand atop a glowing lava rock with you. I assure you, it will help in your training!


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Postby Xanthias » Sun Dec 24, 2006 6:46 pm

To Keep Your Footing

I have been asked, of a time, how it is that I have been able to fight in places such as the Ice Caverns of Valorn or the slippery halls of the Seafolk.

Well, this bothered me for sometime, as even I had not figured anything out immediately. I pondered this for a while, attempting to find a reasonable accomodation.

It was not until I was helping a younger adventurer through Duberry's Swamp and they handed me the curved fang of a Swamp Viper that the inspiration hit.

Quickly the idea began to form. I pocketed the tooth and picked up any others that I could find on the way. After helping the adventurer I then sat down amidst some of the patrons in the inn. There were few adventurers around, so I could work in relative peace.

I bought a pair of leather boots, so that if they ended up ruined I would not be out very much money at all.

I then spent some time at the armoursmith learning how to drill a small metal rivet through the sole of a boot and into the tooth. It is a long and tedious task. You see, what I had figured was that when the tooth was filed down to a mere fraction of a finger's length then you you could attach them to the bottom of your boots to cause the points to grip the slippery surface.

Aethany thought it a worthwhile endeavour. He showed me how to do what needed to be done and then sold me a small packet of tools to do the work.

Working away for several marks I finally had a half dozen of the teeth riveted onto the boots, three along the inner edge and three on the outer.

Taking off my own boots I pulled on the makeshift boots I had created and stood, hoping the fangs would hold my weight and not break. It would not do me any good if I spent all the time only to have the teeth break. Luckily they held. I do not think they would last overly long, perhaps one training session.

Just be sure that if you create, or ask to have these created for you, that you ensure the teeth or angled back towards your heel and are finely pointed. This will ensure good footing in slippery areas.

The fangs and teeth are readily available in many places. Duberry's Swamp being one of the more readily available sources. You may also find them on Midnight Beach and the Black Wastelands. If you need help attaching the teeth talk to Aethany, or if you are lucky enough to find me, you might ask me.

So there is yet another tip for your survival, because sure footing is perhaps one of the few things that can help keep you from looking up at a Life Monument when you least expect it.

I have since given my boots back to Aethany who I hope is working on another means of attaching ice-spikes to the bottom of shoes without ruining the boots. I have suggested a pull over metal frame, and he seems quite pleased with the idea.

Thank you for reading once more.


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