The Purification Ceremony - the script

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The Purification Ceremony - the script

Postby Reesa » Fri Oct 27, 2006 4:42 am

Talisk Blademaker the Pure Good day my fellow Valornians. Welcome to the ceremony inspired by Tyandra, approved by Elijah, and developed by countless adventurers.

** Valkaryrie goes and stands next to Sashtan**

Talisk Blademaker the Pure We come to stand together, seeking that which unifies and encourages selflessness in the name of all that is good.

** Chanilsa waits quietly and listens**

Talisk Blademaker the Pure The time has come to attempt a cleansing, a purging of the desire to put ourselves ahead of others. To fight evil most effectively, we must strive to put desire for personal gain behind us.

** Arwym Starlight nods thankfully to Talisk.**

Talisk Blademaker the Pure *bows deeply* T’yandra, we humbly ask for your words of clarification. *bows head*

** Sreip Enudreklaw straightens visibly at Talisk's words.**

T'yandra Stallheart The Holy **clears her throat and stands tall**

** Cemil Davilar just listens**

** Alanna Sylverhaven turns her head to look at T'yandra**

** Sashtan Baconheart stands ready **

** Valkaryrie waits**

** Arwym Starlight pays attention to Tyandra.**

** Kanaye turns to T'yandra**

T'yandra Stallheart The Holy Twas during the quest for the seals that I did talk to a few adventurers about our need to unify ourselves so that our brothers and sisters were as important to us as our own salvation. That evil, who can only see evil, shall expect our strategy to be

** Glorna Proudly chants One Heart, One Mind, One Will, One Soul**

T'yandra Stallheart The Holy governed my selfishness. Tis only united that we can have the element of surprise to defeat that which shall always expect us to be divided, serving out own hides rather than preserving those of our brothers and sisters.

** Sashtan Baconheart looks around nervously**

T'yandra Stallheart The Holy But by saving our brethren, we save ourselves.

T'yandra Stallheart The Holy By serving our brethren, we serve ourselves.

T'yandra Stallheart The Holy And with this attitude, we shall never fall alone on the battlefield.

** Valkaryrie smiles reasuringly at Sashtan**

** Sashtan Baconheart slips his hand into Vals taking comfort**

** Cemil Davilar nods**

T'yandra Stallheart The Holy It was with this thought in mind that Talisk suggested that all of Valorn could come to purify their minds and meditate at the task at hand and focus all our energy into becoming Valornians rather than a group of individuals.

** Glorna Softly repeats her chants One Heart, One Mind, One Will, One Soul**

T'yandra Stallheart The Holy I ask you on this day to become Valornians, united.

** Arwym Starlight nods in agreement, and a profound respect for Tyandra's wise words.**

** Loranna puts her lockpick away and concentrates on her part as she reherses silently**

T'yandra Stallheart The Holy I ask you on this day to clear your mind and feel the energy of your brethren and see what can be done when we all focus our energy together. I feel already a presence stronger than anything I've ever felt in Valorn just seeing so many of us at one

** Chanilsa smiles at T'yandra's words**

Sashtan Baconheart thinks One heart, one mind, one will, one soul.

Cassandra Storm hands something over to John Grenwich

T'yandra Stallheart The Holy place and one time. That is a beautiful thing indeed. And may our meditation and the eradication of selfishness in our souls bring us to a higher plane so that we may better eradicate that which plagues the land.

** Alanna Sylverhaven takes a deep breathe and closes her eyes for a few seconds, calming and centering herself on the task at hand this day**

** Arwym Starlight silently takes out a small piece of parchment. She holds it among her fingers as she listens.**

** Cemil Davilar one ... one ... one ...**

T'yandra Stallheart The Holy So, with that, Valornians, I say let us become true Valornians for the first time on this night and forever be united with One Heart, One Mind and One Soul. Let your brother's soul be your guardian.

** Valkaryrie thinks of friends lost and gained**

** Framon whispers 'One heart, one mind, one will, one soul'.**

T'yandra Stallheart The Holy And let your soul guard your brother's.

T'yandra Stallheart The Holy **Bows her head solemnly to the room before striking her fist against her heart in a salute to the brave and true Valornians that stand here.**

** Synvasti Shymere lifts her head and lets out a quiet breath, eyes glittering as she looks to the painting on the far wall.**

** Chanilsa whispers "one heart, one mind, one will, one soul"**

** Valkaryrie nods head in silent agreement**

** Sylent One Oathkeeper lowers her head to hide the tears that fall down her cheeks.**

** Sreip Enudreklaw mimics T'yandra's salute and bows low.**

** Glorna Repeats One Heart, One Mind, One Will, One Soul**

** Alanna Sylverhaven puts her fist to her heart, and nods once as she looks over the room at everyone**

Mooj Derkber **Mooj touches his ring, quietly remembering one lost**

** Arwym Starlight feels as a warm tear runs down her left cheek.**

** Cassandra Storm stands behind Sylvania, Katerina and Amzer, her head bowed**

** Cemil Davilar stands .... there**

** Loranna Wonders if she prayed beforehand for the world to bee introduced to mead if the gods would hear it now.**

** Talisk Blademaker the Pure strikes fist against heart in return salute. "Amen."**

** Korrith stands next to the southern exit**

** Nightfall repeats the chant and copies T'yandra's salute.**

** Glorna shifts her weight nervously and looks around**

** Korba raises his fist to his heart and stands a proud Valornian**

** Amzer Lupin holds his fathers ring, and a tear slips silently down a cheek**

World Crier A demon army is swarming the north gate of Milltown! All able-bodied men and women to the defense!

** Thorne Blackrose sadly lowers his head at the gestures of struck fists**

World Crier A contingent of veteran demons, intent on destruction, approaches Fartown's walls! Please help!

World Crier An army of Demon Assault Troopers has infested Caer Laleldan, home of our King!

Arwym Starlight *Whispers, her eyes closed, and her head bowed,* <One Heart, One Mind, One Will, One Soul...>

** Raffe Rychmin stands guard at the southern entrance**
** Arren Flear looks up from his scroll and nods reverently**

Talisk Blademaker the Pure Our humble thanks, T'yandra, for these memorable words, which will hopefully be posted around Valorn for all to see come the morrow. *hears the din outside*

Fondour Wha.....

** Loranna Sends her wishes prayers and hopes to the defenders this day.**

Fondour Hurry...

** Valkaryrie gives Sashtan's hand a squeeze while bowing her head **

** Sreip Enudreklaw hears the sound of the crier, starts for the door, stops and turns about, hand on her hilt. **

Valkaryrie one heart, one mind, one soul *spoken softly*

**High Lady Haven Celes offers her prayers to those fighting the Demons, and hopes they remain safe **

Lacie has left the area, stepping into a cloud of fog.

** Alanna Sylverhaven tenses up as she hears the crier and remembers her place for now is here**

Talisk Blademaker the Pure The defense team is out and about. We must have faith in their ability to keep these proceedings safe.

** Chanilsa salutes, looking nervously round**

** T'yandra Stallheart The Holy frowns as she sees those leaving the ceremony for glory. "This is a job for the Defenders, is it not?"**

Arwym Starlight <Let this be, not a day of darkness, but a day of light, a day of union, or love...> *Continues to whisper.*

Fondour I will warn you all! The demon's have a path directly to here without passing through defenders!

** Korrith faces south, not wishing the sight of his idols to distract him from his goal of defending the area**

** Sashtan Baconheart smiles and looks at Val briefly repeating One heart, one mind, one will, one soul.**

** Reesa Ambernight agrees with T'yandra and Talisk**

T'yandra Stallheart The Holy I suppose those who have left do not comprehend the nature of the ceremony. **shrugs, and taps her axe against the ground.** I shall not leave this room.

Korba calm Fondour, have faith in the defenders.

** Samuel Longview *holds ready looking on ***

** Arwym Starlight repeats once more, "One Heart, One Mind, One Will, One Soul..."**

** Talisk Blademaker the Pure calmly thinks of Xanthias and his defense team, marshaled outside, and smiles**

T'yandra Stallheart The Holy We must not be distracted on this night. For it is what evil would wish of us. To be scattered instead of unified.

** Thorne Blackrose sighs.**

Chanilsa *quietly* We must stand together

** Kanaye bows to T'yandra "nor shall I"**

Alanna Sylverhaven the defenders will keep us safe

Korrith Fondour is one of the defenders... Thats why he's a little freaked out. Forgive him. Me and Raffe are here as defenders, and should they slip past all else, we shall try to defend you, and call for aid.

** Valkaryrie ignores the noise outside **

Framon *whispers* Fartown is surely a tactic to split our forces....

** Korba remains still next to Sylent One but keeps one eyes on the swirling darkness**

T'yandra Stallheart The Holy We must meditate regardless of that which happens around us.

** Raffe Rychmin nods to Talisk, reassuring him that there are defenders among them as well.**

Loranna II will fall here before they disrupt our act.

** Sreip Enudreklaw bows low to T'yandra. "Aye, m'lady. Was a Defender 'til asked to be otherwise. My pardons for no breakin me habit sooner."**

** Arren Flear thinks let them dare intrude .. holds his staff ready**

** Sarducci bows his head , his feet seem ready and antsy performing the orders as directed**

Talisk Blademaker the Pure We are ready for the prayers to begin. Let this cleansing ceremony bring us together. I ask all who are not presenting to take a knee, if you are not already.

High Cleric Elijah The Holy The Defenders have pledged to keep this room safe, we must continue this ceremony in here.

Sashtan Baconheart if they manage to get here valorn united will fight them

** Reesa Ambernight kneels**

** Korba nods to Korrtih and apoligies**

Arwym Starlight Please... The rest of us, stay in this room.

** Shamason moves through the crowd closer to The High Lady**

Amzer Lupin *whispers* we must trust in our defenders

T'yandra Stallheart The Holy We must focus now on being Valornians.

** Lacie lowers her head and prays**

** Sashtan Baconheart stands silent as all should**

Alanna Sylverhaven the defenders have their job this eve as do all of us in this room...

** Amzer Lupin kneels**

Arwym Starlight *Nods.* All right... I am ready.

T'yandra Stallheart The Holy And put our faith in our brothers, and trust them utterly as our kin.

** Cassandra Storm gracefully descends to bended knees, her head still bowed**

Valkaryrie together united, to divide is doom

** Nightfall remains standing, his portion of the prayer in hand.**

Loranna I will fall, I mean. *chuckles*

** Bryne Hope kneels.**

** Shamason takes a knee and bows his head**

** Cemil Davilar has returned and now guards this room with his life**

**High Lady Haven Celes gives Shamason a smile as she watches him move to her side**

** Chanilsa claps her ring and raises her head, proud of those around her**

** Gloriana Jones drops to one knee and bows her head**

Talisk Blademaker the Pure We will commence with our prayers to the Gods.

** Samuel Longview bows his head moving a little closer to Talisk***

** Idlewind goes down on one knee and bows his head**

** Loranna kneels, placing her weapons on the floor beside her**

Arren Flear packs his scroll away and stands

** T'yandra Stallheart The Holy kneels amongst her fellows**

Talisk Blademaker the Pure First, our prayer to Ben. Loranna.

** Arwym Starlight kneels down on the floor, ready to recite her part of the prayer.**

** Cemil Davilar holds tight of his croquetting needles**

** Learyn kneels down, her staff close to her**

** Valkaryrie bows head respectfully**

Loranna *bows her head and begins*

Framon Sometime you must suffer loses to win a battle - those in Fartown may be our loss.

World Crier Massive dark portals are opening around Caer Laleldan

Sarducci 's Transparent Alloy Helm's Blessing of Cory`s Protection has worn off

Loranna In our time of need, we offer this prayer to Ben the mighty. We ask for his blessing in this conflict against evil, for courage and strength within the hearts of all of Valorn today.

Loranna Ben, we ask that if one should fall, their sacrifice for family, friends and those they know not

** Gloriana Jones sadly nods in agreement with Framon**

Framon 's Shield of Fire radiates 'Infusion of Vigor'

Framon concentrates intently...

Dar Bludhaven Oh my! What is going on?

Framon 's Adept Robe I radiates 'Infusion of Perseverance'

Framon concentrates intently...
Cemil Davilar has left south

** Dar Bludhaven remians with a confused look as he was brought her by the gods amidst battle**

Talisk Blademaker the Pure Our next prayer is for Cory, though Karl is unable to be with us this day.

Talisk Blademaker the Pure Have we one ready to step up?

Adiem 's Mystical Jingle Jangle Dancing Boots's Infusion of The Light of Knowledge has worn off

** Cemil Davilar his croquetting needles firmly in hand, Cemil listens intently**

World Crier Demon Assault Troopers are blockading Kilican Road!

** Allara Goodstar passes a note over to Dar this will explain all to you.smiles**

Korba *stands* I will say a few words Talisk, with your grace.

** Talisk Blademaker the Pure nods **

** Korba clears his throat**

** Valkaryrie remains silent with head bowed**

Korba Cory, Prime Mover

** Cemil Davilar hands Korba a hanky**

Korba Generous giver of life

Korba Just judge of the dead

Korba We thank you for the nourishment,

Korba The beauty, and the wonder

Korba You have provided the world.

** Arwym Starlight , with a stern but kind look in her eyes, asks of the present Valornians to remain quiet as Loranna prays.**

The Intrepid JKD The Marked has left south

Loranna be blessed and strengthen our resolve against evil. *lifts her head to gaze ward tothe heavens*u

** Dar Bludhaven *remains silent***

** Dar Bludhaven remians with a confused look as he was brought her by the gods amidst battle**

Talisk Blademaker the Pure Our next prayer is for Cory, though Karl is unable to be with us this day.

Talisk Blademaker the Pure Have we one ready to step up?

Adiem 's Mystical Jingle Jangle Dancing Boots's Infusion of The Light of Knowledge has worn off

** Cemil Davilar his croquetting needles firmly in hand, Cemil listens intently**

World Crier Demon Assault Troopers are blockading Kilican Road!

** Allara Goodstar passes a note over to Dar this will explain all to you.smiles**

Korba *stands* I will say a few words Talisk, with your grace.

** Cemil Davilar looks up .... and up**

Reesa Ambernight *smiles warmly at Loranna*

** Arwym Starlight bows hee head as she listens.**

Cemil Davilar has left south

** Dar Bludhaven remians with a confused look as he was brought her by the gods amidst battle**

Talisk Blademaker the Pure Our next prayer is for Cory, though Karl is unable to be with us this day.
Talisk Blademaker the Pure Have we one ready to step up?

Adiem 's Mystical Jingle Jangle Dancing Boots's Infusion of The Light of Knowledge has worn off

** Cemil Davilar his croquetting needles firmly in hand, Cemil listens intently**

World Crier Demon Assault Troopers are blockading Kilican Road!

** Allara Goodstar passes a note over to Dar this will explain all to you.smiles**

Korba *stands* I will say a few words Talisk, with your grace.

** Talisk Blademaker the Pure nods **

** Korba clears his throat**

** Valkaryrie remains silent with head bowed**

Korba Cory, Prime Mover

** Cemil Davilar hands Korba a hanky**

Korba Generous giver of life

Korba Just judge of the dead

Korba We thank you for the nourishment,

Korba The beauty, and the wonder

Korba You have provided the world.

Korba We all strive to emulate

Korba Your divine example

Korba Of kindness, strength, and wisdom.

Korba *bows his head as he finishes and returns to kneel beside Sylent One*

** Sylent One Oathkeeper smiles at Korba and whispers "Well done"**

Blade Renir hands Reesa a note

World Crier Several powerful demons have been spied in the vicinity of the Continental Doorway!

Talisk Blademaker the Pure Our next prayer is for Xia. An initiate is charged with this prayer, as arranged by Cassandra.

Amzer Lupin I shall speak this prayer, if it pleases?

Cassandra Storm **looks apologetically at Elijah, T'Yandra and the others** My apologies, Amaldon was called away, initiate Amzer has been kind enough to speak in his place

** Cassandra Storm gestures with a pale trembling hand to Amzer**

** Talisk Blademaker the Pure nods and smiles**

Amzer Lupin Xia, embodiment of nobility and honor.

Amzer Lupin Friendship, duty and promises kept.

** Reesa Ambernight smiles warmly at Cassandra and appreciates her efforts**

Amzer Lupin Righteous and kind,

** Sylent One Oathkeeper smiles at Cassandra and Amzer.**

World Crier A massive army of veteran demon troops has breached the walls of Branishor. They are headed for the Great Temple!

Amzer Lupin All that are good love you,

Sarducci 's A Cory Imprinted Shield's Blessing of Cory`s Greater Protection has worn off

Amzer Lupin Those that are unworthy feel your vengeance.

Amzer Lupin We seek to understand your ways,

Amzer Lupin So that we may bring them all in Valorn.

** Amzer Lupin bows head respectfully, and kneels again**

High Cleric Elijah The Holy concentrates intently...

Amzer Lupin radiates 'Godly Blessing'

** Talisk Blademaker the Pure smiles again, in thanks**

** Cassandra Storm nods her head once to Amzer**

**High Cleric Elijah The Holy nods at the brave initiate.**

Talisk Blademaker the Pure Next, our prayer for Carol. Nightfall.

** Shamason reaches up from bended knee to squeeze Celes' hand**

** Cemil Davilar nods**

Adiem 's Duelmaster - Left's Infusion of Damage has worn off

** Nightfall nods to Talisk in thanks and recites his prayer.**

** Cyno nods and smiles supportively at Nightfall**

Nightfall To Carol, we pray:

Nightfall Your heart strongly forged from care and concern;

Nightfall Your heart strongly forged from care and concern;

World Crier Some small demons have slipped through Dundee's gates and are menacing the townfolk!

Nightfall fire that warms but doesn’t burn;

Nightfall spirit so giving it doesn’t spurn:

Nightfall In this time of need, to you we turn

Nightfall Your joyful benevolence rises

Nightfall carried on the mists of your blessings

Nightfall We implore you: Aid our quest

** Korrith leans against the wall to scribble some notes to other key locations with defenders, and sends them off before glancing with a nervous smile to Raffe**

** Nightfall raises his head and unclasps his hands as he takes a knee down by Cyno.**

Talisk Blademaker the Pure *nods thanks once again* Next, for Darren. Is Selwyn Stormbrewer or his proxy about?

World Crier A demon army has been spotted amassing near The Wall! If we strike now, we can take them out before they can march!

Korba hands something over to Amzer Lupin

** Reesa Ambernight holds the prayer for Daren in her hands if need be**
** Cemil Davilar hears the news and hops from foot to foot**

** Talisk Blademaker the Pure nods to Reesa.**

** Reesa Ambernight clears her throat**

Reesa Ambernight We all pray to God Daren guide our heart, soul, mind, and will

Reesa Ambernight God Daren, purify us wtih water, fire, wind, and ground. We give freely of ourselves to thee God Daren.

** Valkaryrie continues to ignore the clamor and remains silent with head bowed**

Reesa Ambernight A robe, salve, lockpick, and powder will guide. We all pray to God Daren *bows head*

Talisk Blademaker the Pure Next, Julia. Arwyn Starlight.

World Crier Mountain scouts have reported that a small number of demons may be planning an attack on Altitan from the gorge below!

** Cemil Davilar bows head**

** Reesa Ambernight looks to Arwyn and smiles**

Arwym Starlight clears her throat, trying to wash away the nerves.

Arwym Starlight Goddess Julia...

Arwym Starlight ...Spin your holy light into the robe that covers the seal,

Arwym Starlight we can repair it,

Arwym Starlight we can heal.

Arwym Starlight Guide us with your light,

Arwym Starlight help purify this seal.

Arwym Starlight Show us the path to binding the way into darkness.

Arwym Starlight And so, to stop the evil escaping into Valorn this day.

** Arwym Starlight bows her head in silence.**

Talisk Blademaker the Pure *nods in appreciation* And now for the elements. First ground. Do we have Warthan Foster or his proxy?

Gloriana Jones Amen.

World Crier A dark portal has opened in the Desert Tomb!

Talisk Blademaker the Pure *looks about, for one to step forward*

** Hansen Beck Steps forward**

** Hansen Beck breathes heavily**

** Cemil Davilar wonders**

Hansen Beck Friends, I come from the defenders.

** Cemil Davilar heavy breathing reminds Cemil of someone**

** Samuel Longview looks at Hansen***

Hansen Beck Xanthias and the volunteers are doing their uptmost to keep this ceremony undisturbed

Hansen Beck I have been asked to deliver the ground poem as a representative of another.

**High Lady Haven Celes watches Hansen with a worried look**

** Hansen Beck clears throat, wipes demon blood from his forhead, looks tired**

**High Lady Haven Celes sighs in relief**

Hansen Beck We pray for the very ground of Valorn

Hansen Beck The earth we all share

** Sreip Enudreklaw nods at Hansen. **

Hansen Beck radiates 'Blessing of the Gods` Favor'

T'yandra Stallheart The Holy concentrates intently...

Hansen Beck It unites us through its strength. Nothing defeats the earth of Valorn!

** Cemil Davilar shudders**

Hansen Beck The earth resonates with the warriors of this land.

World Crier It is dawn, and all is well!

Hansen Beck We stand ready to defend the very earth we share, given us by our gods

Hansen Beck The earth of Valorn!

** Hansen Beck steps back, wearily, bows low and almost stumbles to the ground**

Hansen Beck has left south

oobe has entered the area

** Arwym Starlight smiles gently, fillied with happiness.**

Talisk Blademaker the Pure *looks on as he leaves* Next, a prayer for the water.

World Crier Strange portals have opened near the tomb in the Endless Desert!

World Crier A dark portal has opened near Ryndall Township in the desert!

** Reesa Ambernight smiles warmly at her brother**

Talisk Blademaker the Pure Razzor or his appointee.

** Crillion Astes steps to the front of the room, bows humbly to Elijah and T’yandra then faces the gathering**

Crillion Astes I offer the Clerics Water Prayer. The first letters in these verses will spell the word water.

Crillion Astes We are the clerics of Valorn

Crillion Astes Attending to our wounded

Crillion Astes Treating the sick

Crillion Astes Each devoted to the people of our world

Crillion Astes Relentlessly pursuing the greater good.

Crillion Astes We are the Clerics of Valorn

Crillion Astes Always remaining vigilant

Crillion Astes Turning dark into light

** Arwym Starlight nods slowly as Crillion prays.**

Crillion Astes Ever diligent in the pursuit

** Raffe Rychmin braces himself as bad news travels quickly. Raffe gives Korrith a furtive glance.**

Crillion Astes Ridding the evil taint from our land.

** Crillion Astes bows humbly to the Gods and returns to stand in the crowd**

** T'yandra Stallheart The Holy gasps, sensing a great evil... "Do not desert the ceremony, Valornians."**

** Xanthias thrusts his head into the ceremony chamber to check on the proceedings.**

** Cemil Davilar niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiice**

Talisk Blademaker the Pure Good friends, as a show of faith and unitfied strength, feel free to remove your armor, regardless of the dangers about.

** Chanilsa shivers, though she doesn't know why**

Talisk Blademaker the Pure Weapons sheathed, let us continue.

High Lady Haven Celes 's Transparent Alloy Helm's Infusion of the Morning Star has worn off

** Xanthias nods to Talisk.**

Talisk Blademaker the Pure Next, Fire. Alanna Sylverhaven

** Korrith grips his hammer tight and nods to Raffe**

** Sarducci stands erect and aware of his surroundings**

T'yandra Stallheart The Holy Balthazar walks the land.

** Alrisaera shifts nervously...**

** Cemil Davilar listens intenselyx as one of his profession steps forward**

**Lord Chade Fallstar checks each weapon instinctively**

** Alanna Sylverhaven steps up and nods as she clears her throat**

** Thorne Blackrose sheathes his arms, quietly.**

** Sashtan Baconheart tkes his armor off and discards his sword**

Arwym Starlight <I have so been informed...>

** Reesa Ambernight takes a deep breath and resolves to stand strong and finish the ceremony**

Alanna Sylverhaven Let the great fire come into our hearts and souls

Arwym Starlight <May the Gods protect our defenders.>

** Kanaye glances toward the door at the mention of Balthazar, trying not to show fear**

Alanna Sylverhaven purifying the darkness found within.

Korrith You must continue.

** Cemil Davilar looks .... dumbfounded**

** Arwym Starlight goes silent.**

Alanna Sylverhaven From the ashes, let the light be reborn in unity

** Chanilsa sheathes her sword and puts her shield to the side**

** Exotica takes her armor shield and weapon off**

Demon Lord Balthazar has left south, trailing darkness

** Loranna removes herhelm and armor**

World Crier A wave of demon troops is marching through Dundee!

** Sylent One Oathkeeper gulps and looks down saying the name of Ben to herself.**

Alanna Sylverhaven so that the flames of our inner passions may cleanse

**Lord Chade Fallstar slips to the side and watches the Dark Lord closely**

** Cassandra Storm mumurs words under her breath, the names of the gods can be heard occasionally**

** Valkaryrie silently removes her armor trusting in the gods**

** Alrisaera turns a pale white and grinds her teeth in fear, eyes amazingly wide.**

Alanna Sylverhaven the lands of the ensuing darkness

** Cemil Davilar gulps**

** Raffe Rychmin almost faints... but doesnt.. most imporantly, he doesnt.**

** Synvasti Shymere shrugs out of her armor, and hesitates before setting her sword aside.**

** Alanna Sylverhaven *takes a deep breathe and stands back with lacie, her head bowed and her body trembling as she finishes**

** Korrith nudges Raffe and goes to stand directly in front of the current speaker and Elijah**

T'yandra Stallheart The Holy Do not desert your brethren. He tempts us to follow. Have faith in our defenders.

Frostina Shiverwind has entered the area

** Cemil Davilar bites nails**

Frostina Shiverwind has left south

**High Lady Haven Celes moves to stand with Chade keeping a careful eye on the Dark One**

** Amzer Lupin looks fearfully about, nervous at the sound of the name**

** Talisk Blademaker the Pure nods in thanks. **

** Cemil Davilar has faith and stands like nailed to the ground**

** Cassandra Storm nods and looks at Amzer, Katerina and Synvasti for a moment**

** Raffe Rychmin nods to Korrith and steels his nerve as he stands guard again at the southern entrance.**

T'yandra Stallheart The Holy Let us keep our minds and hearts focused.

Valkaryrie i will stand i will trust the gods

** Gloriana Jones stands firmly with bowed head and no weapons**

**Lord Chade Fallstar smiles and gives Haven a nod**

** Idlewind stands stalk still his throat dry**

Talisk Blademaker the Pure OUr next element, wind. Is Razlo about?

** Sephoroth bows head and prays silently **

** Arwym Starlight tries not to feel the terror now invading the room.**

** Exotica sits with her eyes closed silently praying to the Gods and Goddesses**

** Korba remians bowed in only his clerical robes**

** Demelza de Ath quietly removes her armour***

** Sara Blood Bows head and prays for blessing.**

Talisk Blademaker the Pure *does not see Razlo*

**High Cleric Elijah The Holy lets out his breath slowly and nods to T'yandra.**

** Cemil Davilar bowa head and grips croquetting needles**

** Alanna Sylverhaven trembles slightly as he stands next to Lacie, taking her hand for support, taking a deep breath as she commands herself to relax and calm down**

Talisk Blademaker the Pure Is there an enchanter among us, who feels the inspiration at this time?

** Arwym Starlight stares at Minne.**

** Jubei remains silent glancing at the door every now and again**

** Valkaryrie feels no fear as she puts her trust in the gods**

** Reesa Ambernight looks to the other enchanters in the room with a hopeful expression**
** Cyno Sheathes his blade, nodding to Raffe and tapping it's pommel.**

Reesa Ambernight I will speak if no other wishes to

** Exotica steps up and bows to T'yandra and Elijah**

Sara Blood Sheths sword and sits down with head bowed in deep prayer.

** Sreip Enudreklaw growls deep in the back on her throat as she reads a parchment. She crumples it into her fist. **

Talisk Blademaker the Pure *smiles at Exotica.*

Reesa Ambernight *motions for Exotica to stand and pray*

Exotica negative energies from within us
** Sara Blood Takes learyn's hand and squezzes it tightly.**

** Arwym Starlight listens to Exotica.**

Exotica and replace them with positive energies needed

T'yandra Stallheart The Holy Please, let us keep focused and release our good energy and support for all Valornians here... **soothingly, to Sriep** We must be strong here.

Amzer Lupin 's Godly Blessing has worn off

Exotica to enchant and strengthen the men and women of Valorn.

Exotica We pray you fill us with the light and energy of the devine to defend

** Alanna Sylverhaven *takes a deep breathe and nods once, listening to the remainder of the prayers, though it will be a long time before she forgets today**

** Valkaryrie nods head silently as she listens to Exotica's prayer**

** Cemil Davilar takes deeeeeeeeeeep breath**

Exotica against all evils.

** Exotica curtsies deeply and returns to her seat**

** Sara Blood chanels positive orra to the rest of the group.**

Exotica Amen

** Arren Flear nods in admiration at exotica**
** Loranna forces calm to continue within herself, focusing her thoughts on the prayers and her wishes on the defenders outside**

Talisk Blademaker the Pure Thank you *smiles* Our final element, hope. An initiate, Blade. T'is your time.

** Arwym Starlight nods to Exotica.**

Valkaryrie focuses on the unity of the people in the room

** Reesa Ambernight smiles warmly to Exotica**

** Sara Blood Amen.**

Malin Mystere hands something over to Drako Vilehand

Blade Renir We pray to the Almighty Gods:

Demelza de Ath Amen

** Sreip Enudreklaw fidgets quietly at T'yandra's words, nods quietly, then suddenly takes off her helm and lays down her axe.**

Blade Renir take heart in the youngest

Blade Renir of our Bretheren

T'yandra Stallheart The Holy We give ourselves completely to our brethren, our trust in them, and our gods.

** Framon looks around for someone he misses but can't see her**

** Exotica smiles warmly at everyone in the room**

World Crier A demon army is preparing to attack outside the walls of Dundee! We must strike before they are fully prepared!

Blade Renir the the Iniate,who is our past, our future our present

xsonic *smiles*

** Cemil Davilar feel emotional**

** Valkaryrie smiles feeling unafraid**

** Sashtan Baconheart concentrates intently sending waves of calm and unity o all in the room**

** Amzer Lupin bows his head, feeling strength in the words**

Blade Renir bring to us new light and the hope of a brighter Tomorrow.

** Cassandra Storm looks around confused**

** Cassandra Storm whispers to Talisk**

** Arwym Starlight feels the pride of being an initiate, one which she can never forget.**

Blade Renir Innocent and naive,eager and true,
** Cemil Davilar nods**

** T'yandra Stallheart The Holy bows her head, moved by Blade's words.**

Blade Renir help them along their path to be pure leaders of a hopeful World

Drako Vilehand 's Centaur Helm's Infusion of The Light of Knowledge has worn off

Sarducci 's Holy Ring of Light's Blessing of Cory`s Brilliant Light has worn off

** Chanilsa smiles**

** Blade Renir sits**

Reesa Ambernight *smiles warmly at Blade and pats him on the back*

** Shamason feels one lvl stronger by the words spoken here**

Talisk Blademaker the Pure *nods his thanks* We have prayed to the gods and the elements. Now, our prayers for professions. The first is for the rogue. Thorne.

** Jubei is touched deeply **

** Lacie smiles at Blade**

** xsonic nods his head in agreement.**

Thorne Blackrose *steps out of the shadows, his harsh whisper cutting through the solemn silence * Shall I?

Thorne Blackrose This prayer is from the rogues

** Cassandra Storm looks utterly perlexed**

** Cassandra Storm looks utterly perlexed**

Thorne Blackrose From those who cross the shadows

Thorne Blackrose Who guard the secrets

Thorne Blackrose Who search the hidden

** Arwym Starlight 's heart fills with Hope, after listening to Blade Renir's words.**

World Crier A demon army is swarming the north gate of Milltown! All able-bodied men and women to the defense!

Thorne Blackrose Who question the wisdom of elders

Thorne Blackrose And speak truth to power

Thorne Blackrose Who will not surrender the right of free will

Thorne Blackrose This prayer of freedom is from the rogues

Thorne Blackrose *nods, with respect*

**Lord Chade Fallstar smiles at Thorne and nods**

** Arwym Starlight listens to Thorne.**

** xsonic feels inspired**

Talisk Blademaker the Pure *nods his thanks* Next, the Enchanters. Crow.

Crow Wrathen *nods*

** Bryne Hope grins.**

** Jubei is strongly urged to protect the gate of miltown**

Crow Wrathen Nothing is more sweet than the wind of Valorn

**High Cleric Elijah The Holy hides a grin, he has a soft spot for rogues.**

**High Lady Haven Celes flashes Thorne a grin as he finishes his prayer**

Crow Wrathen We hear the blessings of the gods on our wind

Crow Wrathen It usually blows gently and kindly,

** Valkaryrie remembers hope again once lost now found**

Crow Wrathen But when needed

Crow Wrathen It blows mighty!

Crow Wrathen The Wind of Valorn can defeat any darkness standing on the land!

** Xanthias motions Korrith and Raffe to stand closer to the swirling blackness.**

Crow Wrathen The Wind of Valorn!

** Sashtan Baconheart emplores all to stay and rely on the defenders**

Crow Wrathen *bows head*

** Raffe Rychmin moves closer to the swirling blackness .. swallowing back the hard lump in his throat**

Talisk Blademaker the Pure *nods appreciatively of Crow's willingness and effort* Next, Warrior. Chanilsa

** Korrith nods to Xanthias and makes his way to stand close.. But not too close.. To the dark swirl**

Chanilsa *clears her throat and steps forward*

Chanilsa The call rings out across Valorn

** Xanthias nods and makes his way quietly out of the room once more.**

Chanilsa For a warrior to stand forth

** Alanna Sylverhaven looks over at Lacie to see how she is holding up and then at the rest of the room, smiling as she knows she can trust all within this room and without **

Chanilsa His blade, the love we hold for our land,

Chanilsa His shield, the care we afford one another

Chanilsa His standard a pure, united heart

Chanilsa We are the warrior,

Chanilsa This is our fight

Chanilsa Let us pray for victory

Chanilsa *bows her head and steps back again*

** Reesa Ambernight smiles warmly at Chanilsa**

** Raffe Rychmin smiles at Chanilsa with great pride and gives her a quick nod**

Talisk Blademaker the Pure *smiles at Chanisa* And for the Clerics. Ala

** Valkaryrie nods her head in agreement with chanilsa's prayer**

** Gloriana Jones tries to catch Framon's eye to let him know he is not alone...**

Allara Goodstar ::smiles softly and bows then stands tall speaking loud enough for everyone to hear while maintaining an almost whispering chant as she begins to speak::

**High Lady Haven Celes smiles and nods to Chanilsa**

xsonic whispers something to Amzar

Allara Goodstar The Prayer of the Cleric

** Sara Blood gets up and walks over to Xanthias draws her sword and gaurds the swraling blackness.**

Allara Goodstar "We offer our humble services,

Drako Vilehand 's Staff of Ice III's Infusion of Damage has worn off

Allara Goodstar to those who fight for the realm.

Allara Goodstar We heal and help all those in need.

**High Cleric Elijah The Holy leans forward to listen, nodding his head as Allara speaks.**

Allara Goodstar We pray our land be safe.

Allara Goodstar We beseech all Valornians

Allara Goodstar to rally to the call,

Allara Goodstar and unite against the evil one.

Allara Goodstar One heart,

Allara Goodstar One mind,

Allara Goodstar One will,

Allara Goodstar One soul."

Allara Goodstar ::closes her eyes and bows deeply before all her fellow Valornians then slowly walks away::

** Sylent One Oathkeeper looks with wide eyes towards Richard DeVille with a question.**

** Reesa Ambernight smiles and nods to Allara**

** Talisk Blademaker the Pure smiles broadly in thanks to Allara**

** xsonic kneels on one knee while nodding in agreement**

** Talisk Blademaker the Pure Next, our prayer for the Initiate. Synvasti Shymere.**

** Cassandra Storm looks at Synvasti with relief and dips her head briefly**

** Synvasti Shymere hesitates, but speaks with a low, clear voice. “Initiates, bright with promise and enthusiasm, represent everyone's yesterdays and untold tomorrows...**

** Amzer Lupin tightens his grip on his fathers ring, feeling honored to be here today.**

** Sylent One Oathkeeper smiles and nods to Cassandra, mirroring her relief.**

World Crier A massive army of veteran demon troops has breached the walls of Branishor. They are headed for the Great Temple!

** Sara Blood Watches the darkness very intenly.**

Synvasti Shymere Though the paths we choose will be different, may we who gather beneath the eyes of the gods and our brethren act with honor in the defense of these lands, and know unity. *Syn grins quickly, then becomes solemn and silent.*

** Thorne Blackrose nods approval to Shymere**

** Arwym Starlight feels moved for all the beautiful prayers. Now she is completely sure, that Valorn was united today.**

** Valkaryrie ignores the darkness her mind filled with the light of unity and the gods**
Talisk Blademaker the Pure *nods appreciatively* And our next prayer for those not in guilds. Sashton.

** Cassandra Storm whispers something to Talisk apologetically**
World Crier Demons have appeared in the towns of Dundee, Milltown, and Caernivale!

** Synvasti Shymere looks briefly skyward.**

** Arren Flear looks up and smiles**

** Sashtan Baconheart stanbd sto the front and bows to the holy ones Talisk and the assembled **

** Valkaryrie looks to Sashtan and smiles **

Sashtan Baconheart We all come to Valorn friendless and alone

** Exotica is tempted to go defend but restrains herself**

Sashtan Baconheart The gods send us Mentors to offer their aid,

Sashtan Baconheart Friends are made to lighten the load.

Sashtan Baconheart And we train to repel the evil we find.

Sashtan Baconheart The guildless behind me I pledge our loyalty to Valorn and the gods

** Valkaryrie moves to stand next to Exotica and puts a hand on her shoulder calming her with a smile**

Sashtan Baconheart The harmony of the community our goal

** Jubei leaves but will return in moment**

** Learyn listens sashtan carefully **

** Sashtan Baconheart bows and steps back beside Val taking her hand**

** Korrith reads a personal message and whispers to Raffe "Back in a marc. Keep guard here"**

Korrith has left the area, stepping through a portal.

Talisk Blademaker the Pure *smiles at Sash* We move now to the virtues.

** Exotica smiles warmly at Valkaryrie**

** Gloriana Jones smiles a serene, secretive smile**

** Valkaryrie gives Sash's hand an encouraging squeeze**

Talisk Blademaker the Pure The first of the virtues Honour.

** Kasih Sayang fiddles nervously with her ring**

** Shamason shifts to his other knee...feeling pain from kneeling so long on the first**

Talisk Blademaker the Pure Crow or his nominee will give this first prayer of the virtues.

** Skylsganin grins and winks at Haven **

** xsonic has to help the defenders**

** Cassandra Storm looks across at Katerina with a momentary smile**

** Learyn continues to pray**

** Amzer Lupin smiles warmly in reassurance to Katerina**

**High Lady Haven Celes flashes Skyls a grin and returns the wink**

World Crier A wave of demon troops is marching through Dundee!

Talisk Blademaker the Pure His nominee is coming. Let us move on to the next virtue.

Talisk Blademaker the Pure Sacrifice. Sreip.

** Sreip Enudreklaw looks down at the pile of her armour at her bare feet. She then lifts
her head and looks each person in the eye as she recites.**

** Sreip Enudreklaw screws up her mouth and speaks slowly but strongly, enunciating carefully. "Hear us now, our ring of truth, for battles before us yet to be done. By giving freely across the land, we already will have won."**
Framon 's Ultimate Weapon of War's Infusion of Great Damage has worn off

** Sreip Enudreklaw lifts her chin, her voice ringing out. "Aside has gone our mean mouthings, selfish spirits and pitiful pride. We forget ourselves and stand as one, to curb the evil tide.: She places a fist to forehead then to heart and bows curtly. *

** Amzer Lupin feels Sreip's eyes on him, and her words fill him with courage**

** T'yandra Stallheart The Holy nods**

Reesa Ambernight *smiles at Sreip*

Talisk Blademaker the Pure *nods thanks* Praad, you have honour.

** Praad Ablu steps forward and begins reading.**

Praad Ablu The people of Valorn have protected Elijah and T'yandra against the evil forces of Balthazar.
Praad Ablu We've led them to where they needed be to lead us in defense of our King,
Praad Ablu Castle and the seals which made our land safe.
Praad Ablu Honor is seeing your own life as less than the life of your friend's.
Praad Ablu Honour of Valorians *bows head and steps back

Talisk Blademaker the Pure *nods once more* Our next virtue is courage. Is Bret or his
proxy with us?

** Arren Flear Silently walks to the front**

** Reesa Ambernight smiles at Arren**

Arren Flear I will speak this

Arren Flear **holds an unlit candle**
Arren Flear Pray to thee, Cory
Arren Flear Holde up unto thine candle and see within mine own failures

** Valkaryrie smiles encouragingly at Arren**

** Exotica looks to Arren with a warm smile**

Sara Blood Taks a step twared the darkness sword ready.

Arren Flear Open thine chest, and ask of thee, powerful Ben , great fury to spurn my soul

** Amzer Lupin looks reassuringly at Cassandra**

Arren Flear To wash asunder all unclean and power thee with long stride
Arren Flear bestow upon this humble servant courage like no other

** Cassandra Storm nods her head in return**

** Cemil Davilar wakes foot **

Arren Flear ** lights a flamee on a Candle Wick**

Talisk Blademaker the Pure *smiles thankfully* Next, purity. Haven.

** Valkaryrie stays focused on the prayers**

** Arren Flear silently moves back to his place**

**High Lady Haven Celes stands tall before the gathered group, her eyes scanning all of those present, a small smile on her face as she speaks her prayer in a voice just loud enough for all to hear**

** Reesa Ambernight smiles at Haven**

High Lady Haven Celes Hypocrisy's an enemy of which I want no part.

** Shamason smiles at Celes......winks**

High Lady Haven Celes Purity pretended can hide the blackest heart.
High Lady Haven Celes Too often just a mantle, For gaining self applause.

** Amzer Lupin places a hand reassuringly on Katerina's shoulder**

** Demelza de Ath listens intently***

High Lady Haven Celes Only purity of spirit, Can help our holy cause.
High Lady Haven Celes So let us pray to cleanse our souls Of evil and discord.

** Malin Mystere nods her support to Haven then grins**

High Lady Haven Celes And fortify our progress, Against the evil lord.

World Crier Dark Raiders are attacking Aldwythe's Landing!

**High Lady Haven Celes bows her head to Elijah and T'yandra before stepping back into the crowd**

** Valkaryrie nods in agreement then closes her eyes bowing her head**

**Lord Chade Fallstar smiles warmly at Haven Celes**

** Reesa Ambernight smiles at Haven for a prayer well sent**

Demelza de Ath smiles approvingly*

** Korrith runs in and tries to control his breathing, takes his place next to Raffe once more**

Talisk Blademaker the Pure Next, is friendship. Katerina *smiles*

** Shamason takes Havens hand..."Good Job".....**

** Amzer Lupin smiles warmly at Katerina**

Katerinasweets When evil trembles skin, fear’s overwhelming,

Malin Mystere hands something over to Haven Celes

** Shamason returns to bended knee**

** Cassandra Storm nods her head to Katerina, mouthing "now"**

**High Lady Haven Celes flashes a warm smile to all of her friends**

Katerinasweets God grants us friendship, a comrade nearby.

Sara Blood Kate waht are you doing?

Katerinasweets Alone, we be poor things, weak an’ worthless

Malin Mystere hands something over to Chade Fallstar

Katerinasweets But alone we aren’t for friendship true shines
Katerinasweets An’ in mighty hordes, rank ever swelling
Katerinasweets Let our friends hold us true, hope against evil times

Sara Blood Prys silently.

** Sylent One Oathkeeper We are next Cyno.**

Katerinasweets Thanks be the gods.

** Sylent One Oathkeeper blushes bright red.**

Katerinasweets *Bows her head*

Selwyn Stormbrewer has entered the area

Cemil Davilar THANK BE TO THE GODS!!!!!!

** Reesa Ambernight nods and smiles to Katerinasweets**

Talisk Blademaker the Pure *smiles broadly* We have prayed to the Gods, for our elements, professions, and virtues.

** John Grenwich if not for the motion of his chest as he drew and exhaled breath, one might think John Grenwich where carved from stone**

** Arwym Starlight smiles.**

** Cassandra Storm beams at Katerina, her smile as glowing and genuine as it is brief**

** Amzer Lupin grins at Katerina**

Talisk Blademaker the Pure It was suggested that we all bring rings with us as a show of unity.

Talisk Blademaker the Pure Cyno made this suggestion, and Sylent One expounded on it.

** Cyno smiles at Sylent**

** Alanna Sylverhaven *smiles softly over at Lacie***

Talisk Blademaker the Pure It is now time for Unity Presentation.

** Sylent One Oathkeeper takes Cyno's hand and walks to the front.**

** Valina Ravenclaw tightens her grip on a silver ring**

Talisk Blademaker the Pure Those without rings may obtain them in this room.

** Lacie smiles back at Alanna**

** Sarducci reaches into his pouch takes out a silver ring**

Talisk Blademaker the Pure Cyno? Sylent One? If you please.

** Learyn stands up and takes her ring off **

** Sylent One Oathkeeper holds up a ring and looks through it at everyone.**

** Amzer Lupin grips his fathers ring tightly, proud to be doing his family this honor.**

Thorne Blackrose I carry many in this sack for those without coin.

Sylent One Oathkeeper Soft, precious metal forms malleable rings. Alone they can be bent, stolen, or misused.

** Cyno strolls quietly along with Sylent One.**

Sara Blood Sara takes her ring off.

** Sashtan Baconheart holds his ring ready**
** Valkaryrie holds her ring in her hand, ready and waiting**
** Sylent One Oathkeeper takes the ring off her finger and drops it on the floor.**
** Loranna fishes a silver ring from a pocket, fresh from the tomb bhe ceremony**
** Selwyn Stormbrewer has his ring at hand**

World Crier It is noon, and all is well!

** xsonic strokes his ring with pride**
** Lacie takes out her silver ring**
** Exotica hold her ring for the giving**

Sephoroth *takes out several rings* I have spares if any are in need of their own.

Sylent One Oathkeeper Let the gods purify each ring and melt it into the whole.

** Arwym Starlight takes the Silver Ring in her fingers, and holds it up.**

** Dar Bludhaven looks for his ring**

** Kasih Sayang takes off her ring**

** T'yandra Stallheart The Holy casts her ring with the others**
** Chanilsa holds her ring tightly**
** Cassandra Storm removes the silver ring from the chain around her neck and holds it between her thumb and finger**
Sara Blood sara drops her siver ring on the floor.

Dar Bludhaven Please Sephoroth. I lost mine.

** Lacie drops her ring on the floor**
** Cyno drops his ring, watching it fall and overlap Sylents**
** Nightfall takes his ring out of his pouch.**
** Amzer Lupin mutters words to his deceased father, holding his ring out**
** Alanna Sylverhaven holds her ring close to her heart in her closed fist**

Cyno Forged in the heat of battle, purified by the fires of righteousness, they are bound together to form a chain which can not be broken!!!

** xsonic smiles at sephoroth**
Blade Renir Blade holds out his ring
** Korba adds his ring to the groups**

Thorne Blackrose hands something over to Dar Bludhaven

** Learyn examins the ring for the last time and smiles**
** Arwym Starlight drops her ring along the others.**
** Amzer Lupin sadly drops his fathers ring**

Sephoroth hands something over to Dar Bludhaven

** Sylent One Oathkeeper smiles as the rings flow on the floor, forming a chain of might.**
** Alanna Sylverhaven then drops her ring to the floor with a silent prayer**
** Dar Bludhaven places his ring with the rest.**
oobe 's Silver Ring's Blessing of Cory`s Protection has worn off
** Chanilsa mutters a quick prayer, and places it with the others**

**High Lady Haven Celes places her rings amongst those of her fellow Valornians**
** Valkaryrie drops her ring on the ground and steps back**
** Loranna tosses her ring into the growing pile**
** Sreip Enudreklaw bends over and places her ring on the ground. **

Sylent One Oathkeeper Let all who wish join us in this uniting.

** Raffe Rychmin adds his ring as well, then returns to his place to stand guard.**
** Cassandra Storm places her ring on the floor with the others forming the loop, looking across at Amzer and Katerina**
** Valina Ravenclaw drops the silver ring to the others**

** Alrisaera drops her ring on the floor with the others.**

** xsonic hands it back to him**
World Crier A demon army is laying siege to Caernivale! Please help defend the town if you can!

** Exotica drops her ring full of pride along with the rest**

World Crier Some small demons have slipped through Dundee's gates and are menacing the townfolk!

** Kasih Sayang offers a silent prayer and carefully places her ring down**
** Malin Mystere kisses the ring and drops it with the rest**
Blade Renir Blade joins in
** Synvasti Shymere twists the ring upon her finger, smiling slightly. She pulls it off and flicks it towards the ring of rings.**

**High Cleric Elijah The Holy drops a ring to meld into the others.**
** Nightfall lets his ring fall to the floor along with the rest.**
** Arwym Starlight moves away, slowly. She feels honored.**

World Crier A group of demon troops has entered Milltown from the desert!
Amzer Lupin has left south

** Cyno so saying, also drops a few given by those who could not be here, but who's thoughts are with us**

** Cemil Davilar gives his ring**

** Gloriana Jones feels embarrassed at not havinga ring of her own to contribute**
** Sephoroth bends at knees some to where he can touch ground as he places ring on floor**

** oobe Concentrates intently as he lays his ring on the floor.**
** Malin Mystere drops one on Drako's behalf**
** Sashtan Baconheart places his ring with the rest of them praying for unity**

** Cyno slips his arm through Sylents, like links in a chain**
Sephoroth hands something over to Gloriana Jones
** Shamason drops his ring...returns to bended knee**
Richard DeVille has entered the area
** Sarducci rolls his ring onto the floor watching it fall with the other rings**
Bryne Hope hands something over to Gloriana Jones

Dhvorjiack Rend hands something over to Gloriana Jones

** T'yandra Stallheart The Holy meditates silently and contemplates what it means to be a Valornian on this day.**

Bryne Hope hands something over to Gloriana Jones
** Nightfall pulls out another ring and drops it on the floor for his beloved Sylivia.**
** Crillion Astes drops his ring on the floor**
** xsonic drops his old rind**
Blade Renir Blades ring bounces onto the floor

** Gloriana Jones Has been inundated with rings - and lays them down feeling blessed**

** Cyno holds his other arm out to Nightfall**

Talisk Blademaker the Pure *links arms with those on either side of him*

** Cassandra Storm places two additional rings down with the others**

** Korba looks around, links his arm with Sylent and Alrisaera.**

** Alrisaera links her arms with those beside her.**
** T'yandra Stallheart The Holy takes the hands of those beside her**
Dar Bludhaven *links arms as Talisk has*
** Sylvana places her ring gently with the others**
** Lacie links her arms with Alanna and Alri**
** Reesa Ambernight links arm with Tal**
** Learyn is sad to give it away but thinks about the greater purpose**
Crow Wrathen *links arms with those by him*
** Arwym Starlight claps her hands, and smiles warmly.**
** Nightfall links his arm with Cyno's and extends his other arm inviting anyone to link with him.**
** Valkaryrie links arms with those beside her and smiles**

** Bryne Hope links with those to either side.**
** Sephoroth links arms in turn with those around him**

** Alanna Sylverhaven *links arms with Lacie**
** Exotica links arms with those next to her**
** Arwym Starlight links arms with the rest...**
** xsonic links arms with those next to him**
** Cassandra Storm links arms with the people by her sides**
** oobe firmly grasps the arms of those next to him**
** Loranna takes the hands of those on either side of her**

Cyno We are Valorn, we are the chain which can not be broken.

** Sreip Enudreklaw links her arms with Framon and Sara Blood.**
** Valina Ravenclaw links arms with those beside her**
** Glorna Links withtos around her**
** Chanilsa links arms with the people by her**
** Sarducci holds arms with those on his sides**
** Learyn links arms with closest ones**
** Thorne Blackrose quietly links arms with the others**

T'yandra Stallheart The Holy Let us clear our thoughts and meditate briefly on the singularity of our purpose and our beings.

** Cyno nods to Talisk.**
** Xanthias looks into the room with a nod and slight smile.**
** Glorna Places her ring withthe others**
** Joanna de Point drops her ring and links arm to those nearest her **
** Kasih Sayang links arms and nods in agreement**
** Sashtan Baconheart links arms with Val and the other beside him#**
**High Lady Haven Celes joins arms with those beside her**

** Korba bows his head in thought and prayer**
**High Cleric Elijah The Holy closes his eyes a feels healing spread outward.**
** Sara Blood Sara bows her head and watches the darkness intenly.**
Sam Rusher Links arms with those next to him

** Alanna Sylverhaven with one last look at all those around her, she nods and closes her eyes, concentrating on why we are all here today**

** oobe bows head**
** Chanilsa bows her head and thinks**
** Arwym Starlight bows her head in silent prayer for Valorn.**
** Valkaryrie closes her eyes feeling a true part of Valorn now**

** Sashtan Baconheart bows his hesad and starts into a trance oof meditation**

**High Cleric Elijah The Holy bows his head to all and heads back into the back of the temple.**

** Exotica closes her eyes and bows her head deep in prayer**
** Glorna Bows her head and goes to one knee Praying fr Valorn**

World Crier The Continental Doorway has been activated!

** Sylent One Oathkeeper closes her eyes and meditates.**
** Cassandra Storm allows her eyes to close, listening to the breathing of those around her**
** Cemil Davilar stands close to his brethren and sisters**
** Korba gasps and looks around**
** Sam Rusher bows to the Holy Cleric**
** Framon takes a place near Gloriana and joins arms**
** Synvasti Shymere lowers her head respectfully and maintains silence, hands linked with perfect strangers.**

** Gloriana Jones concentrates, biting her lips**
**High Lady Haven Celes lowers her head, her lips moving in a silent prayer**

** Sylent One Oathkeeper worries about what comes through that doorway.**

** Thorne Blackrose raises an eyebrow at the Crier's call.**
** Gloriana Jones smiles and links arms with Framon**
** Sarducci chants words barely audible to the gods **
** Cemil Davilar mumbles**

** Valkaryrie thinks of friends and strangers now no longer strangers**
** John Grenwich Joins the circle bowing reverantly**
** Sreip Enudreklaw looks up at the ceiling at the sound of the crier. **
** Glorna closes her eyes in meditation**
** Loranna successfully fights the urge to disrupt the ceremony with a fake snore**
** Talisk Blademaker the Pure prays for guidance. **
** Sreip Enudreklaw returns her gaze earthward. **
** Dhvorjiack Rend the Humble looks uneasily toward the door**
** Glorna Is amazed att he cryers annioncement.**
** Bryne Hope prays.**
** Korba looks up at Tyandra questioningly**
** Cyno feels the peace washing over him**

** Idlewind whispers a short prayer to his parents, wishing they could have seen this day**
** Reesa Ambernight turns her attention to the High Holy ones**

World Crier Several powerful demons have been spied in the vicinity of the Continental Doorway!

** Dar Bludhaven prays that the doorway bodes good and not ill....**
** xsonic starts humming a tune, each note brings hope to the crowd**
** Glorna Is getting a bad feeling about the turn of events.**
** Cassandra Storm allows her breathing to become regular, taking longer and slower breaths**
** Demelza de Ath sits meditating quietly***

** Cemil Davilar mumbles some more**
** Alanna Sylverhaven remains with her eyes closed, mediatating and drawing strength from those gathered here and those outside**
** Reesa Ambernight waits as word of something of import happening**
** Valkaryrie pays no attention to the crier knowing that it is all just a distraction from the gods**
oobe 's Broadsword's Blessing of Ben`s Fury has worn off
** Korrith perks up and grips his hammer "Something Ethucanian this way comes.."**
Bret Whitefang has entered the area
A faint golden shimmer rises from the group of Valornians and slowly overtakes the darkness.
** Exotica consentrates on her prayer harder**
** xsonic feels a sharp pain in his foot!!!**

** Reesa Ambernight sighs as she sees the shimmer**

T'yandra Stallheart The Holy I feel that our souls have been purified this day. Let us walk as one to aid our companions now that we have done our part by the doorway.

** xsonic realizes he trod on his sword**
** Thorne Blackrose concentrates on strenghening the golden light with willpower**
** Sashtan Baconheart agrees with Val and emplores everyone to concentrate on the geremony**
xsonic Lets.
** Sylent One Oathkeeper hears the marching of strange feet and runs to see.**
** Raffe Rychmin stands a bit straighter**
** Cassandra Storm smiles faintly, her eyes still closed**
** Arwym Starlight nods to Tyandra, and procceeds with her equipment.**

** Chanilsa gathers her things**
Talisk Blademaker the Pure *nods*

T'yandra Stallheart The Holy Let us take this lesson and go as one.

** Cassandra Storm nods and opens her eyes**

Chanilsa We are one *smiles*

T'yandra Stallheart The Holy has left south

** Loranna gasp in wonder at the appearance of the it.**
Korrith To the continental doorway?

** Sreip Enudreklaw perks up at the sound an orderly tread of feet.**

Talisk Blademaker the Pure We shall endeavor then, to stay together.

xsonic united we stand!

** Sara Blood sara concentraltes on the golden light to make it brighter.**

** Alanna Sylverhaven gathers her things and runs out to do what she can**

** oobe takes one last silent prayer**

** Sarducci genuflects and gets ready to do battle**

** Sylent One Oathkeeper bows to T'yandra and then turns to the noise outside.**
oobe has left south

Alanna Sylverhaven *nods and is ready*

Sam Rusher poofers poof

xsonic to the doorway!

Valkaryrie one mind, one heart, one soul the darkness shall receed

** Sarducci looks around for a portal**

** Exotica places her shield armor and weapon back on and is ready to defend for whatever may come.**

** Mina Katin looks to the west and e

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