Demon Wars - The Gates of the Many (Spoilers)

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Demon Wars - The Gates of the Many (Spoilers)

Postby Viviyana » Mon Sep 18, 2017 3:15 pm

In an effort to record things before they are lost from memory, I'm writing down the histories of major events. These are summarized versions, meaning most have far more details and very rich personal accounts and stories surrounding them.

Please let me know of any needed corrections or pertinent things you think should be included (remembering that it is only a summary of events). I will be including a section in this first story about The Ni Shrub...I just need to get with Elly to hash out some details.

Here is the list of hoped for stories, again let me know if I left anything out. There is SO much lol.

Demon Wars - The Gates of the Many

Much of the origin of the Demon Wars and the rise of Balthazar is lost in history. A blood-bound mage of Ryn, he turned from the rest of the council, taking the city as his own. It was this coup that is thought to have brought on the great cataclysm which, combined with the ensuing battles to regain the city, laid ruin to many part of Valorn and saw an end to the Golden Age. For eons the Demon Wars raged on, mostly in raids upon Valorn’s towns and cities. Balthazar grew fierce in his hatred of the late High King Deek. With the fall of Deek and the rise of his daughter High Queen Cordelia, Balthazar seemed to retreat, the lands growing quiet save from the regular raids. The quiet was not to last, however, and soon the war accelerated quickly and violently. This new age of the war was heralded in with the destruction of the Northern Milltown Gates.

It all started with demon laughter and the sound of fighting, adventurers flocked to Milltown and soon the crier was calling several raids across the land. When the dust of battle settled the guard of the gates lay dead, and the gates torn. High Queen Cordelia returned from her diplomatic mission to Ethucan and the Iron Knights were revived. Regardless, turn after turn the lands and gate were assaulted.

In the midst of this, a new tool of the demon lord made itself known. Darkness incarnate in the form of tendrils, a seeping creature that would consume those caught in its embrace, breaking each bone and striking its victims with a debilitating sickness. A new tactic arose, as well, the attacking of guild halls. It soon became apparent that nowhere in Valorn was safe from the Dark Lord’s reach.

Despite adventurers’ best efforts, the turn came that the gates fell. A giant behemoth of a beast, skeletal in nature, rose from the desert. It called out to the two women who danced in the shadows of the gate, ordering them to call on others - two powerful battle-clerics Doyle the Holy Warrior and Xanthias. The clerics came and a fierce battle raged, to no avail; for when the battle ended and the skeletal beast lay in pieces, so too did the gate.

Talk of repairing the gates turned to plans to replace them, taking on a fevered pitch now that Milltown lay exposed to the darkness that came from the Endless Desert. Many adventurers stepped forward to lend their skills to the task. At several times the Dark Lord tried to hinder the efforts, attacking the Iron Order’s Outpost where the newly forged rivets were stored and trying to quell production.

Then came the turn that they could no longer wait. Raid after raid swept across the lands, demons pouring into every town. There was a lull in the battle and everyone gathered in the Dundee Inn to debate about why they should bother fighting. A guard arrived and granted Lucius Flintlock the title of Forgemaster for his work creating the rivets and hardware for the gates. As the crier called more attacks other news arrived. Xanthias had finished milling the wood for the new gates, the time to raise them was at hand.

The calls went out far and wide and adventurers gathered at the place where the gates had once stood. From deep in the desert the sound of drumming could be heard, the sound echoing through the air as it grew nearer and nearer. Then Iron Knight Hojo Musachi quickly coordinated adventurers into several groups. One group escorted Xanthias to retrieve the wood for the gates. A second formed around Kenji Muramota to bring the metal frame he had built. Yet another held the northern front, building a fire that raged into the night sky.

Bloody and beaten the teams arrived with the frame and wood. From the desert the drumming lulled to a broken heartbeat of sound. Laughter rose as darkness covered the sky, consuming the stars. Furiously adventurers stoked the fire, trying to drive back the darkness, while others worked to prepare the gate. The darkness filling the sky became a portal, and from it spilled Golden Aged Demons, the fiercest of their kind. Defenders stepped forward to fight them as the others desperately finished their work. As the battle raged on, darkness itself began to consume those in the shadow of the portal, turning them into dust. The Valornians pressed on, others coming to join in as word continued to spread. Those who fell reformed, rejoined, and fought on. And finally many hands came together to lift the heavy gates upon their frames and seal them shut, locking the darkness out of Milltown for that time being.

From that time on the Northern Milltown gates were named the Gates of the Many in honor of the many hands that helped to build, raise, and defend them. They stand as a testament to what is achievable through unity.

Hojo Musachi
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Re: Demon Wars - The Gates of the Many (Spoilers)

Postby Hojo Musachi » Sat Nov 25, 2017 8:58 am

OOC Just read through this, it's a great recount. I was exhausted by the end of this event!

"I'm afraid, Isoyami, I have probably already said more than was bought by the Knight's kiss " - Shaerih

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