Opposing Swords

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Opposing Swords

Postby Isoyami » Tue Feb 28, 2012 2:47 am

Let me tell you a little bit about myself, I consider myself something of an oddball Cleric.
I live my life in devotion to Cory, and put my faith in all the Gods. But, an adventurer is more likely to catch me in a tavern then in a temple; I don’t believe in preaching, I believe in doing to show my faith.

I believe in balance. I am told my name IsoYami can be taken to mean “in balance with the darkness”, and Awai Isoyami “Light in balance with the darkness.” And that is how I see myself… I bring my light to shine on the dark places, both metaphorically, and also literally with my Holy Ring.

For the longest time I carried a sword of light, a Greater Holy Broadsword of Light. This is the strongest clerical blade, and I bring it as a beacon to bring its light against the monsters and the demons. Many years ago I got my first Holy Broadsword at level 39, and immediately blew it up from a weapon weightless scroll that backfired. I knelt, almost weeping as I looked at the twisted bar of metal that used to be a beautiful sword. The second broadsword didn’t have much better luck: again the weightless scroll backfired, causing me much heartbreak, and a large loss in coin. Eventually, I got the third broadsword, I think Carasa was greatly annoyed at my hapless destruction of the product of much hard work at the smithy.

Closing my eyes, I knelt and prayed, gently laying the scroll against the blade. Hearing no loud explosion I peeked an eye open, only to see the sword intact, as sharp as ever. I reverently took the handle and stood, holding it aloft, it hardly encumbered my hand, but was just as dangerous to any dark creatures that crossed my path.

From level 39 to level 53, for many years, this Holy Broadsword was by my side as my protector and constant companion. The sword was never out of my arm’s reach… by many, many hard months and years of training I learned to wield it in a lethal dance to slice and slash and hack apart all the foes I trained against. I trust my Holy Broadsword with my life, and I still do. *Slowly draws it from the sheath over his right shoulder, holds it aloft, the honed, double-edged blade gently glowing.* This is my Greater Holy Broadsword of Light. There are many out there like it, but this one is mine. It is only an ordinary sword, but it has been bathed in the blood of over a thousand demons. It is more than my sword, it is my friend.

So, it is only fitting that when I was kidnapped to the Demon Labyrinth almost exactly one year ago, I did it with this very same Holy Broadsword in my hand. To make a long story short, my trust in my Holy Broadsword was not misplaced… it lead me safely through the dark place, and I emerged on the other side unscathed, bearing a new Sword of Darkness as a prize.

The Sword of Darkness is a marvel. I do not know how or where it was forged, but I know it is far finer than many blades I have seen. The edge to the sword is certainly one of the sharpest I have handled on a weapon, it can carve through armor, flesh and bone with a single slash, cutting through demon spiders and tomb wretches with ease.

*Replaces his glowing broadsword over his shoulder, then drops his hand to his belt, slowly drawing the glittering, wickedly sharp curve of his sword of darkness, with the soft sound of water flowing over silk.* This sword is actually shorter than my broadsword, and all its attack power is focused into its single cutting edge. I cannot really stab or use it for backhand cuts like I can my broadsword, but I still like this sword, and I have used it to cut apart at least a hundred demons. Not only is it a unique sword from the labyrinth, I think both its name and its style fit me.

I have forged an Ultimate Weapon but I never really got the hang of it, I feel much more comfortable with a metal blade in hand. So, for a while now I have placed my UW in my bank vault, and instead I carry both of these swords. They are my constant companions like my right and left hands: my swords of darkness and light.

Even though I can only hold one at a time, I just wanted to rave about them both.

Awai Isoyami - 61003
"I fear no demon, for Ben is my Strength. I fear not death, for Cory is my Shield."

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Re: Opposing Swords

Postby Brisingr Blaze » Tue Feb 28, 2012 3:00 pm

I like that Iso, very befitting your name sake! :D

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