The Lady Fox and the up-start wolf

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Brisingr Blaze
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The Lady Fox and the up-start wolf

Postby Brisingr Blaze » Mon Jun 15, 2015 5:26 am

((Roseden Ivysword and Lady Emilia Rose had a turn out together in some special outfits he'd made for them. She was dressed as a Fox, and he a wolf. They danced around the frozen spring below the frozen waterfall. The story was a spur of the moment one, and this was copied and pasted from their RP. I'll try to edit it to make more sense.))

*As told by Roseden Ivysword*

The Story of The Lady Fox and the up-start wolf

"A story of a giant wolf, and a giant fox... whom would have guessed?"
"The Lady Fox, and an up-start Wolf..." "The Lady Fox, she was a beautiful sight to behold. She was actually the color of yourself..."
"She had grace, and speed at her disposal. But one can easily losing their footing if not careful. As you see... she was sought by a hunter..."
"The hunter... he was N'rolav bent on adding her pelt to his collection. Her coloring... she was indeed a wild Fox... that had blended into the clay of her surroundings." "The up-start wolf on the other hand... he was wild in his eyes, but he was tame in nature... I know an odd sort. He didn't fit in very well in the Dark Forest... he was bigger than the other wolves, but bullied all the same, thanks to his nature... so he left... and wondered the desert... till he seen a way down." "Enough about him for now though... the hunter had keen eyes... and as I said was N'rolav bent on getting that pelt... so he laid trap after trap... and one day he managed to give chase, and just when she thought she was about to get away... she lost her footing." "She lost her footing... and the Hunter pounced on her. He quickly reached for his Basalt knife and cut The Lady Fox across the throat." "But luckily the up-start wolf had found his way down there and attacks the Hunter." "He kills the Hunter, and goes over to The Lady Fox, nudging up against her... he starts to lick at her wound. Normally in this case... she should be dead, but the Gods must have been watching, as the cut wasn't as deep... nor as wide to kill." "She lost her footing... and the Hunter pounced on her. He quickly reached for his Basalt knife and cut The Lady Fox across the throat." "But luckily the up-start wolf had found his way down there and attacks the Hunter." "He kills the Hunter, and goes over to The Lady Fox, nudging up against her... he starts to lick at her wound. Normally in this case... she should be dead, but the Gods must have been watching, as the cut wasn't as deep... nor as wide to kill." "She had luckily just passed out, and so he searched the canyon for things to use to cover the wound..." "The Lady Fox within a few turns had recovered... and the up-start wolf had never left her side... and only ever left her side to hunt for them." "The up-start wolf upon realizing she'd awaken... started to let out a low howl. He seen her blinking her eyes, and open her mouth, but no sounds came out..." His voice trails off. "The Lady Fox could no longer communicate, and was scared... so she attempted to lung at the up-start wolf in fear of not understand." "The thing about this wolf... he took the 'punishment' as he felt The Lady Fox bite into his neck. He only gave a small yelp from the pain, but otherwise didn't move away from her. She eventually let go, and just looked at him on wobbly legs. The look he gave her, was caring... and she could see that." "She let him stay, and he tried his best to blend in... but the other Foxes wouldn't hear of it... they gave him problems, but he stuck around... he was loyal to The Lady Fox. As time passed... his fur started to change just as hers had done." "But despite the change in his fur... every time he'd open his mouth, he let out a different sound than the one they made... and that was a constant reminder that he'd never be a Fox... he'd always be a wolf. He could tell that didn't bother The Lady Fox, but it bothered him... when he was around her, he rarely 'spoke'... together they was silent." "When he was with her, he didn't see the difference between them, and so he was content with that. Until He started to see a change in her... she wasn't eating as she had been..." "He kept complaining at her... trying to get her to eat, until one turn she used her paw and started to make scratches in the ground... and let out dry gulping noises." "He went to get her some water... some fresh from the rain the turn before. He brings it back to her and lets her drink from it... he was starting to realize just how much more damage the cut on her throat had really done. And so from that turn on her started to venture out more... bringing her berries and other roots." "Things started to look up for her, she even took up for him when the other Foxes came around... he was different... he'd never be a Fox. She was different... she'd never be able to 'speak' again... but when these two looked at each other... nothing else mattered. They'd given each other a place to belong. With one another." "They gave each other a place to belong... and in doing so... they saved each other in more ways than one. And that is the story of The Lady Fox and the up-start wolf."

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Brisingr Blaze
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The Lady Fox and the wolf - Frost Fall edition

Postby Brisingr Blaze » Mon Nov 23, 2015 4:37 am

((Another story from Roseden Ivysword to Emilia Rose as they danced once more in their special outfits. With the approaching Frost Fall season... I thought a story like this might be appropriate. Was completely spur of the moment, I hope y'all enjoy.))

*As told by Roseden Ivysword*

The Lady Fox and the wolf - Frost Fall edition

"They say when a wolf is happy... his tail sways and wages... some consider wolves, just big ol' dogs."
"And the Lady fox would wrinkle her snout when she'd see the wolf."
"They had lived happily ever after, and this turn... it was cold for Frost Fall was in the air."
"He'd greet her wrinkled snout with his own snout, for he was always happy to see her."
"She was a curious Lady fox, and with that in mind somethings never change no matter how many cycles pass by."
"It was a cold turn as Frost Fall had fallen upon Valorn, and the Dark Forest was blanketed in snow, as was everything else."
"On this turn, the wolf went looking for the Lady fox... and seen her paw prints trailing into the forest."
"He wiggles his tail ever so slightly, in confusion, as he pads his way into the empty snow socks... following her."
"The trail makes an abrupt turn, heading toward the snow covered cliff, and the green prairie that was being strangled by the snows ferocity."
"He stops as the path splits, to his west... humans, and he heaved a sigh of relief when he seen her empty snow socks going north onto the snow prairie."
"Padding into the area with determination... he turns west and follows the edge. By this point he could barely see in front of his own snout."
"He attempts to clear his line of side by shaking himself repeatedly, trying to press onward. With each shake... he got more out of sync, but pressed on all the same."
"The wolf exclaimed as he stopped to listen... he heard nothing over the wind picking up."
"His body was getting cold despite his thick pelt... his steps became less determined, but onward he still padded."
"Pushing forward despite his bodies protesting... it was with that, that he came upon the body of the fox half blanketed in snow."
"He nudged his snout against her body, wagging his tail happily, hoping for a response from her, but nothing came."
"He howled out wishing to wake her. He curls up beside her, and falls asleep thinking the Frost will take him as well."
"Death wasn't meant to take these two souls... the Gods saw it fit to grace them with the morning light of Sunrifter. Warming the area and melting the snow around their bodies. A Gods' tear blossom was in the middle of them."
"The morning breeze blew at the blossom, as Frost Fall was fading... as the Lady fox began to stir. She raises her head and pressed her snout against him, and with that he began to stir."
"So they survived the night... who knows what plans the Gods have for us."

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